Alright i'll try that thanks
Posts by KukazuEX
nah it's up to date i updated it and still not letting me on
Ok so i put the game in epecmtions on my firewall but still get disconnect notice from am'i banned from the game or something? btw if theres a spelling problem sorry
I'd say it should've been chosen by the community, which is best to do. We even have a poll, but it seems no one uses it anymore.
Also, I could not believe the Old Login Screen "Launcher" won. It had no special shape. No effort into it.I'm not going to be polite to the person that made it. Because he's getting something out of doing nothing. Yet others put a lot of effort into their's. It's like they won not because of their launchers but something else, lmao. ( I don't know, but I wouldn't have to worry about this if it was up to the community)
I honestly thought Launchers like the Kid Goku was going to win. Because I at least see sweat and effort when I see those launchers.
Made by the community, Chosen by the community. Doesn't that sound good?Lmao, I swear to god if I have to see that Log in Launcher every time I try to start up DBO. I'm going to think I logged in twice.
I agree the community should've been the ones to choose which launcher design is better
I won also
Its not going to be unlimited but the AP will decrease slower than on retail server.
ah ok well thats even better better than nothing
ok i'm still a noob of cash points can someone tell me of give me a run through on what they are? please
ok since i wasn't able to gain access to the first alpha but i did in the second one i was wondering if the fly time will be unlimited or not? cause when i'm afk i like to hide myself in the air alot when i'm afk
Thank you team for bringing back the game i've missed
i finally got in the created my character did a few quests and omg it looks soooo god oh and i kept getting booted so i think it's because too many players but FANASTIC JOB TEAM IT LOOKS AWSOME
heh we're like zombies wanting it now but seriously guys have some patients yeah i'm excited too but let Daneos get some sleep
thats the case i can't wait cause but i'll be a noob once again on the game cause it's been awhile
i don't know why they gonna bring back frieza for? i mean cmon bring back cooler
i hope i get to try it... wait a second i missed it well bummer
i really wanted to play gta v when i bought it four times but all four times it wouldn't played on my ps3 so i guess i'll miss out on it
i just made this account