
  • Male
  • 36
  • from Brazil
  • Member since Apr 6th 2015
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  • Hi im MrHunt
    I just read ur comment on "Things you would like changed from Retail", and it was pretty accurate. U are right.
    I willl like to have a sirus chat whit u about the same subject, why?, cuz im working on a dbo project to fix those inconsistencies, creat balanced classes and making it fun, real fun.
    I Will like u to help me design it, whit suggestions and ideas, I alredy have a draft, but I still missing some things.
    Hope u can reply me if u are interested.

    Thx and thumbs up.

  • Hi im MrHunt
    I just read ur comment on "Things you would like changed from Retail", and it was pretty accurate. U are right.
    I willl like to have a sirus chat whit u about the same subject, why?, cuz im working on a dbo project to fix those inconsistencies, creat balanced classes and making it fun, real fun.
    I Will like u to help me design it, whit suggestions and ideas, I alredy have a draft, but I still missing some things.
    Hope u can reply me if u are interested.

    Thx and thumbs up.