GokUsama Intermediate

  • Male
  • Member since Jan 27th 2015
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  • pregunta ya se puede cambiar de clase soy espachin pero no tiene nada de daño de area. ¿ ya se puede cambiar de espadachin a baculo la segunda clase de los peleadores fisificos? espero pronta respuesta.

  • Hello can u check my ticket please thank you QAQ


  • I recommend opening language packs around to make it easy for people to play games.

    Very looking forward to the patch of each language

  • Can you help me?

    Please check my ticket

    Thank you


  • Hello there

    Can you help me?

    Please check my ticket

    Thank you

  • Hey man, I'd like to reach out to you and see if maybe you'd be able to help me out with some problem im having? As I was hunting for dragonballs, which I have 7 at the moment i noticed that I have 2 of the same type of dragonball? any chance I can have that fixed or no solution? thank you brutha!

  • Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, my dear friend, I came here to offer myself to work in the Portuguese translation for the game, please contact me, I really want to help translate it, as many people want it translated!

  • pls help me

  • hi look me

  • look my ticket ID:1903858 pls

    my account was wrongly banned

  • My account BUG

    Unable to play online, enter the game, disconnect immediately

    My account is not blocked

    Please help me, my account has a bug. Game crash

    ID: 36D

    Only this account will crash the game

    Thanks :)

  • hey is it possible if you can give my character a permanent stats boost like plus 200 all stats would really appreciate it, thanks.

  • hi, i have a problem in my game. can you help rigth now?

  • Hi Gokusama can u help me i stack in master roshi island in water.

  • hi man i cant log in to the game

  • Hello! Could i have the manual english patch link please?

  • Hello, I was wondering where I should apply for helping with the translation from English to portuguese and I ended up here, can you give me some info about it ?

  • Good morning,

    I apologize for bothering you, but I recently started playing and have been enjoying the game a great deal. I hit level 30 and have been attempting to do my master class quest for Dragon Clan (Dende Priest) and I'm fairly certain I ran into a major bug. Upon the initial portion of the quest "Healing with a Passion" I am required to heal an injured NPC in the road. I walk up to the NPC and target her with one of my heals and nothing happens, in fact, I get an "Invalid Target" message that pops up on my screen. This occurs regardless of what healing skill I attempt to use on her. Changing tactics I tried to use an AOE heal on myself and have the indirect heal apply to her. It shows in the side text box that she has recieved a 700+ LP heal and yet it does nothing, same with the AOE Regen. As I am unable to heal her properly at all, the quest then times out and I fail it. I'd really like to continue on the character i'm playing and was looking forward to playing the dende priest master quest.

  • Hello, I just wanted to know if you are aware that a good amount of players have problems with the launcher's translation patcher? It downloads the english translation and everything (apparently) but when you open the game nothing changes, some quests are translated with some kind of broken english, some are even impossible to understand, and a giant amount of quests later on are totally untranslated.

    It's a really basic translation that works to play, but not to immerse yourself in the world, if you know what I mean (story, quests, all that).

    I know that I already asked you in the past, but I expected that it would be fixed later on, but I still see no fix. You can see many players have the same translation errors in multiple gameplays around YouTube, I know because they are the same I see in my own game.

    But well, I just wanted to know if you are already aware of this problem some people have.

    The same problem persists even if you download the translation manually and replace the files, I really don't know how to put it well, so I'll give an example so you know that it's not something you didn't translate yet, but something that's already translated but not on my end, every quest in RR HQ Ruins is untranslated for me (totally in Korean/Japanese, only their objectives are translated, and with some luck some have their titles translated too, nothing more).

    I don't know if it might have something to do with my region maybe? (I'm from Argentina but I liked your english translation more than the spanish one, at least before it got messed up in my computer for some reason) I know the translation is way better for other players, because I've seen players without them.

    I have suspicions that maybe the launcher/game doesn't recognize the translation files or something. Hopefully you can give me some answers, I would be extremely thankful, I would really like to level and read all quests and the lore, but when almost all of it is impossible to understand it's kinda hard :/

    • Hello,

      Yes i am aware that not all the quests are translated yet, but me and my small team is slowly getting the translation work done. Next month translation progress will speed up and will start doing more updates on translations but it will still take a while before all the quests in game are 100% english with perfect grammar. This work is mostly done in my spare time...


    • I understand, don't worry, but I know the translations are way worse for some people compared to others, I might find you a video from someone with these problems and compare it with someone that doesn't have them so you see the full picture of what I mean.

  • Hi,my charater ID call FighterHoHo,actually i am not selling zeni i trade for 20 000 000 in 1 time is because my friend need zeni,so i borrow him and he will return,but u banned him,now u banned me too,i am not the zeni seller pls believe me,when u help me to disblock the account i wont trade zeni with other again,pls i am the die hard fans of DBO

  • hi man i have a question 2 of my accouts appear to be in pending status i dont know why they are my oldest accounts i created them for the pre open beta i just want to know if is posible to activate them because i have not recieved any mail for that, the 2 accounts user name are "JhaNz", "Boossie". ty for your attention.

  • hi! I found some little issues in english translation, where can I report them?

  • Hello,

    I've tried everything from running the launcher as admin, to different compatibility runs (from xp up to Windows 8), to even using a VPN and NONE of them worked. The patch is still stuck I've also waited for 20 minutes and nothing.... It's super frustrating, it used to work before and I used to play it just fine. I have windows 10. And I have all the net framework stuff installed... Please tell me what files did the patch add and just upload those to me and i'll add them into my game? Maybe then that will fix it? I tried replacing my launcher with a friend's launcher (he has his game working fine) and still nothing happened. I noticed though in the patcher_config.xml that my patch version is "2" while my friend's patch version is "4" I tried replacing that xml file with his and still no luck... Please upload the patch files (I'm assuming they're some updates to the "Pack" folder, and I'll just copy paste them in there and hope the game works...

    And for future next time a patch or update happens, please provide what files were being updated/patched.



  • hey wie kann ich micht jetzt bei das spiel anmelden ich habe shon mal gespielt aber ich komme nicht mehr rein

  • Hi, its gonna be forever that the dragon balls events are only saturday? because its really hard i see that there are less mobs with dragon balls that in the old game and i think its very short time and very hard to get the dragon balls i started playing at 6:00 AM to get the dragon balls until 8 and i only get 3 it was good but then i played in the afternoon at 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM and i did not get nothing, so i want to ask if it gonna be this hard to get the dragon balls forever or it gonna be like that just for now, I want to ask for more time or maybe a better drop chance because i played 3 hours killing mobs with only the dragon ball icon for nothing. :l

    PD: thank you for reading me and sorry for my english its not my first language.

  • Hi there! could u please support me in an urgent matter involing in losing real dollars here for nothing.. please any chance u could check my recent post or the ticket i submitted? still has no reply from any of the staff, sorry if im rushing, just worried really seeking support..


  • Hi gokusama, could you check ticket support? i got trouble with my adult quest (bugged at korin tower and disappered from quest log) and i don't know what to do