If you cannot tell by the title, I am having issues with my Launcher.
The Messages I get when opening the Launcher say "A new DBOGLauncher is Available!" when I click okay, another pop up shows up and says "Could not find Updater.exe" and then my AntiVirus Program (Avast Antivirus) Pops up and says Threat Detected. I close it all and open my files, go to the DBOG Files and double click the Updater.exe file to activate it. A Windows 10 pop up appears (like an official one, with the blue coloring, like when Windows 10 needs an Update), and says:
This App Can't Run on your PC
To find a version for your PC check with the software publisher.
I have only tired completely uninstalling the game and the reinstalling it. I am not too smart with this stuff so I didn't want my computer screwed up.
Sorry, I am on Windows 10 and I have no idea how to attach any images using the DBOG Forum Writing Tools.
I am on a Windows 10 laptop. I do know that it is 64-bit (a friend told me to add that)
Any help is appreciated!