Posts by caveiraosc

    erro ao abrir caixa de presentes do Sr Popo, ao utilizar a caixa a mesma habilita um bug onde surge uma tarja branca nos slots de item que ao passar o mouse sobre da um erro no jogo fechando o mesmo e dando um erro com a seguinte mensagem : ??????????, isso mesmo pontos de interrogação, se alguem puder ajudar a resolver, muito obrigado.

    voce deve esta usando traduçao por isso que da este erro deixe ele em ingles que nao ira acontecer isso.

    Der Sinn und Zweck bei denn Multiaccounts war ja auch dieser dass man nur auf seinen Hauptaccount die wichtigen und Main Chars drauf hat die man wirklich oft spielt und für alles weitere ist der zweite Account da, da man auch nur pro Account 8 Chars erstellen kann und ich Persönlich finde alle Klassen und Rassen gut und würde es schade finden wenn man aufgrund dessen auf die anderen Rassen oder Klassen verzichten muss wenn man nur ein Account besitzen darf wo man nur 8 Chars drauf erstellen kann.

    Zu dem ist der 2 Account auch aus dem Grund Sinnvoll um sich einen Heiler oder einen Majin zum Buffen zu erstellen gerade wenn man mal TMQs oder UDs machen möchte und man keine Spieler findet die z.B einen Heiler spielen dann hätte man auch die Möglichkeit sich von seinem 2 Account mit dem Heiler einzuloggen um die TMQs oder UDs zu machen.

    Hat ja damit nichts zu tuhen ob man Schlecht ist oder nicht aber gerade in Korea oder Taiwan war es oft ein Problem Spieler zu finden mit diesen man sich verständigen konnte oder oft hatten viele keine Zeit zum helfen oder viele Gilden wurden schnell wieder inaktiv und wie schon oben von mir erwähnt haben viele auch Geschwister die dass Spiel auch spielen möchten und ihren eigenen Account erstellen möchten und auch die selbe Internet Verbindung nutzen finde man sollte dass nochmal überdenken oder dass jeder zumindest ein weiteren Account besitzen darf.

    Ich denke es gibt viel wichtigeres was man in DBOG verbessern kann als dass verbot eines Multiaccounts aber schlussendlich hat dass letzte Wort dass DBOG Team kann ja nur besser werden mit dem neuen Clienten und denn neuen Server aber hoffe dass vieles nochmal überdenkt wird wie dass mit dem Verbot des Multiaccounts.

    Genau Freund, ist nicht die Tatsache, wie einige hier gesagt haben: a, weil es lächerlich wäre, wenn der Kerl mit einem Konto spielt, während einige zwei Konten verwenden. Nichts wird genau so sein wie ich und du redest, die Frage ist, dass es Leute gibt, die pvp und pve mögen und nur nichts mehr zu retten, und es gibt Leute, die pvp nicht mögen und nur die Charaktere mögen und sich anfreunden. Oftmals ist der Joogo hauptsächlich während der Woche tot und es ist schwierig, eine Gruppe zu finden, die upar ist, oder auch, weil seine Freunde nicht online sind. Dort kommt der zweite Account. Es gibt Menschen, die das nicht verstehen und nie verstehen. Diese Leute sind nur, weil sie nicht in der Lage sind, mit zwei Konten gleichzeitig zu spielen, die Spieler kritisiert, aber die meisten Spieler machen Mörder, und die beiden unterstützen sowohl Puffer als auch Dende eine Seite und gut, um Dual im Spiel zu haben, weil nicht immer Spieler für Ihre Gruppe in dgs, ccs gehen. Fassen Sie viele Spieler zusammen, die Sie Pro-Gruppe oder Dual nennen, und Sie wissen nicht einmal, ob er spricht oder ob Sie ihn bereits kennen. Man denke nur, derjenige, der Dual nicht mag, ist leise, weil einem von ihnen möglicherweise mehrere Male geholfen wurde, ohne dass er es überhaupt wusste.

    I love you more when there are people without any intellect speaking bla bla bla and do not understand what is written my sky god. and insist on the same thing the jesus gives me a light. Dude, read what I wrote doing the favor you're saying something that has nothing to do with what I said. Leave it to her, talk to a child and do the same thing as talk to a wall.

    do not compare the game that is run by a huge company, where dbo is run by several people, those few have no time to talk to players because they are busy fixing the currently existing problems

    apparently you did not read right what I said friend. Let's go there. the game that I said and great today right, they as well as Daneos if they forgive me the words (if they screw) to be where they are no company, they wanted to play their game, they opened their own company and that's what I meant. so it's good to read each line carefully before you say absurd things so people do not misunderstand. I hope you understand the comparison I made.

    It's how I say it, the best way and the dialogue.

    If the team talks to the players, making lives in the twitch on youtube wherever it is to talk to the players has everything to go forward. You must mirror the owners of this game here> Warframe. since they launched they do it and that's right. If you see or try to find out about them, you're going to keep your mouth open because they ate the bread that the devil has made and today they're so full of money and they continue to talk to the players about everything, projects, new chars, They ask what the players think is not well seen, it's not legal, we go back and change we try different. And I think Daneos has that same potential. It's just a look at what he's done for us with dbo. I believed that one day dbo would return and Daneos was the only one to make it happen. So I think a little talk between team and players will contribute to a better game.

    wird das mit dem Blackscreen nun irgendwann behoben? steh da voll auf dem schlauch, sorry.

    Gestern abend noch lvl29 gemacht und heut geht nix mehr ?

    I do not understand what you mean Are you lvl 29? I'm an old game player since the official dbo and then when Daneos did this since it was just an offline version. in this version that we have at least 8 chars and 4 of them are lvl max and the other 4 above lvl 35. so my indignation for what I wrote and on the subject is another thing, just re-read what I said friend.

    about being corrected the error of the black screen is not with me or with you but with the staff of the game. this I wanted to say up there, because for want of maintenance they end up happening these things understand?

    we are here to talk and know about the game, to take questions and to criticize and to be praised in both the players and the personnel of the team of the game. So far so good. I simply made a comment that was neither a scoundrel nor anything negative in a topic I just put my opinion as a player. because the game has problems since the 18 hours of yesterday that nobody can play. just because I said in the topic that this moderator also spoke. topic was on the black screen and no one can play. then later this moderator said take a print or tape to show us what is happening. ok, calm down. I just said the following this does not help anything since all the players are with this same problem and already have 4 topics with the same thing the problem is not in our pc and yes in the source or in the server of the game. remembering I did not curse anyone or even moderator but it is enough that I speak the truth the person excludes my comment just because he did not like it? Remembering once again creators of content, games etc ... are subject to praise and criticism. But if you're not professional at what you do, I can not do anything, my dear. it was enough to just speak or answer the topic if you did not like it, you did not have to exclude what I said being that I only spoke truths. Well this and my outburst need not lie, nor curse, and hard you be a decent player and be treated as trash because you say or told the truth.

    Estamos aqui para conversar e saber sobre o jogo,tirar duvidas e criticar e ser elogiados tanto nos jogadores quanto o pessoal da equipe do jogo. Até aqui tudo certo. simplismente fiz um comentario que nao foi nem de xingar nem nada de negativo num topico apenas coloquei minha opiniao como jogador. pois o jogo esta com problemas desde as 18 hrs de ontem que ninguem consegue jogar. so porque falei no topico que este moderador tambem falou . topico era sobre a tela preta e ninguem conseguir jogar. entao mais adiante este moderador falou tirem um print ou gravem para nos mostrar oque esta havendo. ok tranquilo. eu só falei o seguinte isto nao adianta nada ja que todos os jogadores estao com este mesmo problema e ja tem uns 4 topicos com a mesma coisa o problema nao e no nosso pc e sim na fonte ou seja no servidor do jogo. lembrando nao xinguei ninguem nem mesmo moderador mas basta-se que eu fala-se a verdade a pessoa exclui meu comentario so porque nao gostou? Lembrando mais uma vez criadores de conteudos, de jogos etc... estao sujeitos a elogios e criticas. mais se voce nao e profissional no que faz nao posso fazer nada minha querida . bastava somente falar ou nem responder o topico se voce nao gostou, nao precisava excluir oque eu falei sendo que so falei verdades. Bom este e meu desabafo nao preciso mentir, nem xingar , e duro voce ser um jogador decente e ser tratado como lixo porque voce diz ou disse a verdade.

    Wie können wir kein zweites Konto verwenden?

    Es ist lächerlich, umso mehr, dass viele nicht helfen und was Sie sagten, der zweite Server, der nur der Gilde dient, ist falsch. Wir spielen mit zwei Konten nur aus zwei Gründen. 1. Zeitplan, um mit Freunden zu spielen und auch wer nicht befreundet ist, da die meisten Mörder sind. 2. Warum wollen wir uns nicht auf andere verlassen und so einen Puffer und einen Killer oder Dende und Killer spielen? Wer den besten Computer hat, meldet mehr als zwei Killer- oder Panzerkonten, Support und den Puffer an. Zusammenfassende Stimmen, die verloren gehen werden, weil die Leute selbst im offiziellen Dbo eine virtuelle Maschine auf dem PC selbst erstellt haben und zwei Konten angemeldet haben.

    How can we not use a second account?

    It is ridiculous this, even more that many are not helping and what you said that second account only server to help the guild is wrong. We dual play with two accounts just for two reasons. 1st schedules to play with friends and even who is not friend, being that most do killers. 2 ° why we do not want to depend on others and thus play a buffer and a killer or dende and killer. who has the best computer logs more than two killer or tank accounts, suport> dende and the buffer. summarizing voices that will lose because even in the official dbo the people ended up doing a virtual machine on the pc itself and logged two accounts so I think time wasted on your part do not let the players log on as many accs as they want.

    @exp on / off, it is not working if you disable it, the others that are in the en will win the same thing as if you had not disabled it. example: 1 person 500 of xp, two people 250 of xp right, even if you activate not to win xp the other continues to earn the same 250 and not the total 500 of xp. result invalid command.

    What's so funny? only those who have attacks in an area that works well, now that if you are a fighter, dende, or any other class that kills one by one you will be eternity killing and nothing comes. my friend stayed 4 hours today and did not drop 1 if he wants to .eu or worry about it, because spheres for me is like something. one thing that lends and ssj, great namek, kid bu, outside that has nothing. Here comes a> excuse me what I'm going to say <> a ridiculous talk the more have the dragon buffs. You've been working hours to get 7 balls to catch the buff drug that lasts 20 mins and the cooldown and 40 mins to 1 hr will compensate, in my opinion it's not. still if the money was high type 20kk, it would be good for more, the buffs would last the 20 mins plus the coold minor, clothes of the dragon better but not everything in reverse. I really am almost stopping playing again because the disappointment is great.

    No, this is still the same thing. of course wins the one that is better, I agree with you plus everyone has to have chances as well, the guy already won budokai and still keeps going, making it impossible for other players to win too and that's what I meant.

    beauty the guy has already shown that it is good and quiet, now lets others have the chance too, after he reaches lvl 70 and other story would be the way it is. What I said was basically budokai kid not for the adult.

    Why do not you make changes in Budokai?

    next, the one that already has title budokai is unable to enter so not only they would enter. Giving the chance to other players to get too, this idea is also useful for ccbd title because it is ridiculous that only they have a chance.

    Another suggestion would be if the player got titutlo budokai kid can not go again unless he does not have the 1st place, so he can go budokai if he has 2nd and 3rd place.

    1st place does not enter. Everyone should have a chance to get it would be more competitive.

    I know that this and my idea and opnion, some will like others, no more changes for the better must be thought.

    Também não consigo passar dessa parte do checking isso ta geral só não sei porque que eles ainda não retiraram o dbog do ar para resolver isso já que ninguem consegue logar pelo menos deveriam dar uma nota falando a respeito disso no face ou no site ja que isso ta a horas mais valia tirar do ar o jogo arrumar isso e depois tentar esse open alpha porque desse jeito os players so irão incomodar quero joga e não consigo pelo menos eu penso assim.