Posts by Evolutive110

    Parole sante.

    At least they added Giant Namekians, really curious to see how will Dimps balance them out. As far as I can remember, the last time we saw Giant characters in a DB game was the Budokai Tenkaichi series, I hope they get it right.

    And about the human Awakening: I freaking love it, yes, I love it so much that I'm almost convinced to switch to a human for my main character this time around. Love for Dimps, as they didn't get POISONED by the fanbase, adding more transformations that we need. Anyone who thinks adding other SSJs forma and such, as Blazing Barrager said, just wants to be Goku: then go play Goku, Nothing more.

    Grazie per la dritta sugli spoiler! Eventualmente deciderò come aggiustare gli aggiornamenti, ma per il momento sono propenso al nuovo messaggio di modo da notificare.
    Le cose più importanti da fixare al momento sono diverse, e neanche Daneos ha dato dettagli precisi su ciò che manca, da quanto ho capito UD,TMQ, e Dungeons peccano degli algoritmi necessari per codificarle, quindi gli toccherà farle poco alla volta, come sta gia facendo adesso con i dungeon. Una stima precisa è impossibile darla, prevedo almeno un altro paio di mesi.

    Dato che non è possibile incrementare il messaggio principale, aggiungerò ogni aggiornamento tradotto con un nuovo post:

    (8-17 Luglio)Aggiornamenti e Bug riparati:
    -Correre in cerchio non fa più buggare il personaggio fuori dal mondo
    -Migliorata la stabilità del server con la risoluzione di un bug: dovrebbero esserci meno errori casuali di disconnessione
    -Aggiunte le lingue Inglese e Portoghese
    -Cash Shop aggiornato e adesso funzionante
    -Inserito l'annuncio globale quando qualcuno fa l'upgrade +15 con successo
    -Migliorato il traduttore
    -aggiustato un bug sul login del sito
    -Aggiustato il bug della non sottrazione di Cash Point quando si regala qualcosa
    -Inserita la funzione Unstuck per i personaggi che si buggano restando immobili: il comando teleporta alla propria Popo Stone ma può essere utilizzato una sola volta risultando loggato almeno per cinque minuti, con la skill "Ask Popo!!" non in cooldown
    -Le sfere del drago ricevute dalle quest non possono più essere scambiate
    -La Popo Gift Box non può più essere scambiata, venduta o cancellata
    -Fixato il bug dell'impossibilità di muoversi quando si atterra
    -I giocatori non vedranno più Shenron spawnare in continuazione
    -Inserito il limite alle quest acquisibili
    -gli obiettivi nelle quest non avranno più il bug di non venire segnati di tanto in tanto
    -Riparata la quest della pesca nella parte sud-ovest della Korin Forest
    -Riparato il vecchio bug di DBO dei respawn infiniti sul posto sloggando non appena si clicca respawn
    -Gli attacchi schivati triggerano l'aggro dei mobs
    -Riparata l'aggressività dei mobs quando gli si passa vicino: adesso vi attaccheranno
    -Possibile usare la scatola marrone(Brown Box)
    -Gradi del Kaioken limitati temporaneamente ad uno in attesa del bilanciamento della skill
    -Disabilitate temporaneamente alcune skill dei boss che causavano il bug del personaggio
    -Nuove regole per l'Unstuck: avere massimi LP ed EP, non utilizzabile da svenuto, non utilizzabile in duello e in PvP
    -Cambiati i prezzi del Cash Shop
    -Incrementata la velocità delle animazioni
    -Aggiustato il calcolo per il danno fisico
    -Riflessione del danno disabilitata in attesa di una formula più accurata
    -Aggiunta la possiblità di bloccare attacchi critici e diminuire gli RP a colpo ricevuto
    -Aggiustato un bug che causava il crash dei channel durante un duello
    -Risolto il glitch dell'inventario
    -Gli attachi a distanza utilizzano la stat attacco energetico

    Well since they already have avatars made and used in the trailers that isn't an issue.

    It's not that hard actually: in the actual story we are a young human/namekian/majin that got absorbed by one of the time rifts that are spreading all over Earth in age 1000(that's why in the tutorial we end up on the Kame House right after the start of Dragon Ball Z meeting Umigame, and later Time Partol Trunks that helps us against the Time Breakers and takes us back in our time). They could portray a generic character, or even better a generic trio of characters from all the races going through an adventure reminding us of the so damn beautiful Dragon Ball feeling of Goku exploring the world getting stronger, while mixing it up with the Time Machine Quests by Trunks asking the characters to help him. I don't know, I would definitely follow such an anime.

    Except he isn't the most powerful non-fused character of all time, he was that only until Beerus, Whiss and SSJG were introduced. And this isn't about how Gohan is portrayed, he could be a nerd and the most powerful at the same time, but he is not the most powerful xDPlus, even in Z, Buu (Gohan absorbed) was the strongest non-fused character in the series up to that moment, unless you count absorptions as fusions.

    I clearly stated at the start of my post "If we're talking about Dragon Ball Z", I don't take Super into the account because of all the god-tier characters and the whole Goku&Vegeta-centered story.
    And yes, I personally don't count Buu's absorbed forms as a character per se, up to that point, Gohan is still the strongest, Goku himself stated that his Mystic form was even stronger than him in his SSJ3 form.

    You're again missing the whole point, hybrids have 50% Saiyan Blood, NOT 0.001% like humans do, even being able to go Super Saiyan is a miracle with that percent, and you of course can't compare it to the 100% Saiyan Blood Super Saiyan, it doesn't make any sense at all. Of course a pure Super Saiyan Saiyan would be stronger than a human with 0.001% Saiyan Blood Super Saiyan.

    Definition of Hybrid: "bred from two distinct breeds, varieties, species, or genera". I'm not missing the point, I'm saying that YOUR point is not supported by anything but conjecture. Whatever it's 0.50% or 0.001%(by the way that's not accurate, there's no percentage in the Dragon Ball Online guide book, as far as I know), you still have Saiyan blood. Thus, you can achieve SSJ. And that's a period.

    Why wouldn't I? Humans in DBO are humans, humans irl are humans. However you're not getting my point, the thing is that you can't compare the levels of the Super Saiyan Human with the actual pure Super Saiyan. No matter how hard you train, you-cannot-change-what-you-are. Period, no matter how hard you train you will not surpass something that's meant to be stronger than you, that's meant to be the original, a human can't surpass a saiyan in IT'S OWN ASPECTS, you can't surpass an actual Super Saiyan with a Human Super Saiyan. That's that.

    Because in Dragon Ball, Humans can shoot energy blasts out of their hands, that's why. You can do that in real life too? Putting silly things aside, why are you so fixed on the point that Human Super Saiyan can't compare to Saiyan Super Saiyan? Even an hybrid can, through train and experience, perfect the whole transformation, Gohan and Future Trunks did. It has never been said, NEVER, anywhere, that hybrids are weaker than purebloods in Dragon Ball. Hell, with Goten and Trunks it's almost like breeding makes it even stronger, so no period at all. The only reason why Humans in DBO need the Dragon Balls to use SSJ is because of obvious gameplay reasons, they are nonetheless more Humans than Saiyans, and that's why, while they can achieve Super Saiyan, the only weakness is that they can't access any of the other forms(or at least, they shouldn't, DBO died before we could see how things would've gone). It isn't that different from Gohan when he awakened his true potential through the Old Kaioshin, it's the same concept.
    You also need to keep in mind that Goku and Vegeta(the pureblood Saiyans that achieved the most) are gifted on their own, they had to work through abnormal circumstances to achieve that kind of power: they fought the strongest being in their galaxy, Freeza; they fought the strongest artificial being, Cell; They fought the pure essence of evil, Majin Buu.

    Ragazzi salve a tutti,
    una curiosità.... ho chiuso il gioco da un computer e l'ho aperto su un altro computer... dopo qualche istante in cui visualizzavo il mio personaggio è apparsa una scritta che mi ha detto che sono stato disconnesso e che avrei dovuto ritentare dopo qualche minuto... Quando ho riaperto mi sono accorto di non avere più il mio personaggio...
    a qualcuno di voi è successo?

    Non credo sia il posto adatto per discuterne(è un pò fuori tema, non trovi?), inoltre non mi pare sia un problema comune. Ti consiglio di chiedere nella sezione globale e attendere che qualcuno di competenza possa risponderti.

    Kihi se ricordi bene TranksDalFuturo era swordman ed era un mostro anche per il pve,mi ricordo di quel video che fece cc150 mi pare (oltre al fatto che all'epoca shoppava tanto)

    Come ho detto in precedenza, alla fine quando sei nell'end game, tutto si riduce ad abilità ed equip, nulla è impossibile. Sta di fatto però che lo Swordsman di per se è un ottimo DPS single target, che si tratti di build PvE o PvP, mentre al Fighter sono concessi gli High Speed Needle oltre ad eventualmente Big Bang Attack e Final Flash se si optasse per una build full PvP. Tutto questo tralasciando completamente Cash Shop e quant'altro, dato che alla fin fine si deve fornire una guida al di fuori di agevolazioni varie, quindi posso capire il punto di Kihira.

    Guys, there is no further point discussing about saiyan blood percentage, how much training you need and all that logic crap. A lot of things in video games/movies don't make sense. If you want to waste dragon balls and level up to level 40 just to achieve skill that isn't very useful and not worth the effort, then keep talking about that bullsh*t...

    I never intended to create a discussion out of it, I was just stating my opinion, like everyone else I suppose. Plus, I like to discuss those sort of things, there's no need to call it bullcrap disrepecting everyone's idea.

    While I may agree on the point on the fact that achieving it through the Dragon Balls is a waste(gameplay-wise, not story-wise), I really don't understand what's the problem. SSJ is good as it is, it needs no change, just balances, more transformations won't solve the problems, Story-wise and gameplay-wise.

    Well that's only half right in the lore. After the manga and Goku's death in Age 801 (most likely by old age since he and Vegeta left Earth to have one more fight and were never seen again), Gohan released a book called "Groundbreaking Science" that explained the fundamentals of ki to the Earth's population. I believe it wasn't that Humans could control ki to the same level as the other races, but simply because they were ignorant about it (Mr. Satan aka Hercule didn't make things better). Now granted they aren't as "good" with it as Saiyans and Namekians, but that doesn't mean they were weak. Tien is a prime example of this when he was using Shin Kienzon (Neo Tri-Beam) to stall Semi-Perfect Cell. Despite being heavily outclassed in power, Tien was still able to perform a feat on an opponent who was stronger than a normal, untrained Super Saiyan.
    Now the issue with Humans in DBO is the fact that our CaCs are descendants of the Son/Brief family. As such, while our CaCs Saiyan blood is pretty much gone, the potential that goes with it remains and simply requires unlocking it. This was something that Dende was actually counting on when he reactivated the DBs and made more of them while placing huge restrictions on what the user can wish for.

    That doesn't disprove my point. I never said Humans couldn't learn to use Ki with the same efficiency, I simply stated that, from what we know about the Dragon Ball lore in general, Humans were never gifted in terms of Ki usage to begin with, we would've seen some Humans actually break through their limits if that was true, yet they never reached the level of power of Saiyans,Namekians and other alien races. I accept the point about Tien, but since in the Daizenshuu it is stated that he is a descendant of an ancient alien race himself, I can't fully believe it, as it makes him compared even more with our Humans in DBO; not only that, you always need to keep in mind that Dragon Ball is a work of art, and to me, Tien's Shin Kikohoo on Semi-Perfect Cell, as badass and beautiful as it was, was fanservice, I may be wrong, but that's my opinion(he got one-kicked by Buu without problems, later in the Buu saga). Gohan simply gave the Humans the means to use Ki in the most efficient way possible by introducing them to the "alien level" of Ki knowledge, where as before, Ki on Earth was mostly limited to fighters and monks like Muten and the Orin Temple. That is later supported by Pan's TV show, and Tien's and Krillin's new schools.

    Game balancing aside, it would actually make sense for Dende to put limits on the Dragon Balls, it was a security measure, what would happen if the Red Pants of the Time Breakers were to find the Dragon Balls?

    We saw Goku/Vegeta Jr. do that in GT. Putting aside personal feelings for that series, DBO is based strictly off the manga. Anything that was anime only is excluded. So you can't use that for lore reference purposes in DBO related content.
    So all we have to go on, is Pan at the end of Z, in terms of what happens the more and more diluted the Saiyan blood gets vs potential of lost power. And it's a perfect example of why the training is what matters in the time of DBO, and not the transformation it self.

    I still don't see the point. At the end of Z, it is never stated, manga or anime, that Pan diluted Saiyan blood can't make her achieve the transformation, she is simply never shown to use/achieve it yet. Hell, she even punches Goten in the face. And we all loved that.

    If I'm not mistaken, Toriyama was simply the Art Director in the DBO development, he just approved the story, he didn't write it. Nonetheless, DBO storyline is so nice because it's entirely inspired from Dragon Ball, and affected by Z only in terms of fighting and such. It's the perfect combination, as it takes the best from both of Toriyama's works.

    My bad, but that's what you're implying xD. ''It's all about training and experience, not how much Saiyan blood you have.'
    That clearly states if I train my movement I can charge my KI and do a freakin kamehameha through the wall, it's all a matter of training and experience after all!

    Are you seriously connecting real life situations with manga and anime? If it's sarcasm, you're a genius, if it's not, then I stand with Blazing Barrager on this one.
    As a Human in Dragon Ball, you simply possess Saiyan Blood, as little as it is, it's there. Never in Dragon Ball, even Dragon Ball GT, it was clearly stated that diluted Saiyan blood would make the Super Saiyan transformation impossible to achieve(if there is, then you all can punch me in the face). The Pan excuse is useless, we all saw Vegeta Jr and Goku Jr turn Super Saiyan without sweat after unlocking the transformation. As macdaddymario stated though, it's still a video game, which means they MUST put aside part of the lore to balance out things. So yeah, becoming stronger, it will always be about training and experience. The entire Dragon Ball series is mostly based on the fact that Goku has to train and get stronger to fight stronger enemies as the whole point to his character IS NOT being a freaking hero but finding the best opponent. That, unless an author takes advantage of the classic plot device of the "gifted" just like Toriyama did with Gohan and later with Goten and Trunks.

    To me, it all depends on the race: an example would be the fact that in the game, Namekians at the same level as humans in their base form will always have higher power levels, pretty much just like Piccolo(before Super) didn't need any kind of transformation because, as a namekian, he could control his Ki much better than Humans and Saiyans in their base form.

    You need to always keep in mind that Humans were never that strong to begin with(that's the whole point of Goku, a low class Saiyan, sent to Earth to destroy it), and neither were they able to control Ki before Master Mutaito founded his school. Where as Namekians and Saiyans had great Ki potential from the start, proven by the fact that Dende clearly states that they learn to fly since childhood. Majins? They are Buu's offsprings, of course they have great Ki potential.
    That single fact should explain why the SSJ is precluded to Humans in DBO unless Shenron awakens the power inside of them, as Blazing Barrager said: "We are unlocking the hidden potential that still exists despite no longer possessing the power it was known for".

    Più che paura di cambiamenti, è che la maggior parte dell'utenza(sia chiaro, quella a cui del gioco frega un minimo e non si limita a loggare) preferisce avere il team di sviluppo focalizzato sul riportare in vita quello che era il vecchio DBO, nel senso che la priorità al momento è completarlo tutto quanto. Eventuali modifiche e robe del genere difatti sono gia state attuate(basta leggere i post di aggiornamenti di Daneos per capire che intendo), anche se piccole.
    Nel caso dell'Upgrade System, come ho gia ripetuto più volte dall'inizio di questo post, può benissimo trattarsi di un aggiornamento momentaneo che verrà perfezionato a lungo andare. Il punto è discuterne apertamente con tutta l'utenza facendo appello a critiche e favori indipendentemente dal proprio volere.