Posts by Raspasoti

    My brother if anything, maybe you should be banned from ever posting. What you just said is very serious. And yes I am Hispanic. Cuban to be more precise. But I guess you talk like that because you don't know any better.

    There, that is what I meant. If there is something that I really enjoy about DBO is being able to create a good kid character for Budokai. But now I can't even get them good armor and weapon. Or even make money from the stuff that I get on TMQ and UD. That in my opinion makes a huge difference on whether I'll play this game for much longer. The one and most important reason why I play is to make Budokai kids!!! This something that should be reviewed. You should be able to trade these things if you have not put them on.

    No you can't. it was fixed in an update. you aren't supposed to be able to sell UD and TMQ legendary gear. You're supposed to only pick it up if you can use it which is what the dice system helped stop :)

    I really don't see how it is an awakining of power like you say when it is abiously being atained by a wish and not training like it used to be back in Goku's time. But even so, if Shenron can make inmortality possible, bring the dead back to life, bring a whole planet back after being destroyed, etc giving a tail to a human with Saiyan blood should not be much of a problem. I mean, the wishes as they are right now are pretty lame, only the transformations and bufs are worth the hustle. All the other wishes are not even worth grinding for. Also, if we are talking about things that do not make sense Pure Majin for a Majin that is not Buu itself should be impossible because they never absorved anyone and they were never in pure state to begin with. Majins in the game are the way they are from the begining. The same goes for Super namek, it si only atained after a wish is granted by Shenron. But I really think that these things would improve the gamepleay because they are elements from the series and also because they give diversity to the races themselves and would be a great way to valance the overwhelming difference between Great Namek and Pure Majin have vs Super Saiyan. It is not a matter of how they acchieve this anymore.
    Also, you might want to consider things like these in the future when the game starts to die and people get bored of only being able to do so much. Ideas like this give a spin to the game and make players want to continue after playing for several years. That is something I came to realize after playing the game for 2 years straight and seing it evolve many times. I would always get me one more time and make want to continue. And I would really pay to play something that is worth it, if that is what it takes. Even if it is by buying cash items or donating. People do it all the time with other games, so I don't see why they would not do it. But that would be up to you guys to do things like that, we can only suggest.
    Another suggestion, since we are already at it. I think the upgrade of the Pure Majin and Great Namek skills is obsolete and means a great disadvantage against Saiyans. If you think about it no one uses these transformations for anything else other than showing off and the upgrade messes with the actual build because the skill points are limitted. On the other hand if they upgraded automatically with the level of the character then it might actually gain some usefulness to it bacause it would not take extra skill points vs the Super Saiyan that uses the full build and has unlimitted time of use.

    And I get that team work is the key to secceding in any MMO, because every race and mastery is different from the others and each one is unique and better at something than the rest. But individual strenght is also very important and when you have a superior race, to call it somehow, people get disapointed to find out that they should have chose the other race and not the one they worked all this time for.
    :thumbsup: Peace and Love
    Keep the good work.
    PD: I wish we had some Dragon Ball emoticons in this Forum.

    1. You can do that with mods, I think, but I don't know if we have that officially.2. Now tell what kinda transformations you would give Namek and Majin to balance transformation count?
    3. I agree, but people say it kinda impossible to move Frieza race into DBO even there is space to do that.

    I know this is an old thread but it caught my attention and I've thought a lot about the transformation question.
    To begin, I think this game is already very unfair when it comes to transformations since Super Saiyan has the obious upper hand by being able to use all the skills in the build; and to actually have to upgrade new skills after you have a full build created for a transformation that will last 10 minutes and cooldown in 1 hour seem insane to me. However, i also get that there is a lot of work in progress right now and unfortunately it was made like this from stock and all.
    But I still feel like sharing my idea, even though it might just die in this thread unless this game has some skilled enough team of programmers and art department. Not to offend anyone, that would be the least I want, but games usually take big companies backing them up and paying people to do this. Not to mention that it is a one person opinion. :) Or so i think. i am talking out of my ass right now. Just forget that part and continue reading.
    I believe the first transformation for Saiyans should have been great ape; like in the one kid Gohan or Vegeta become on TMQ4 i think, can't remember well. I guess that makes a lot more sense than Super Saiyan, since all saiyans before Goku and even Gohan, were able to do it and that is their very nature; Shenron should be able to handle that if he can make Super Saiyan possible for the current Saiyans. Now, the differecen between this transformation and Super Saiyan would be that, like the Great Namek and Pure Majin transformations, Great Apes would have limited skills (2 or 3 max). Also, it should be on par with its counter parts from the other races when it comes to stats.
    Now, of course at this point you may say "then what about Super Saiyan, does it get eliminated?". Of course no. There are other transformations, and have always been, for the other races. Did you forget about Super Buu?! or the transformations that Piccolo went through when he fused with both Kami and Nail!? I mean there are other transformations for those two races and they could be easily achieved with wishes like Super Saiyan and still be able to use the entire build.
    The biggest chanllenge here would be to create a Super Buu with Super Boobs :D:D:D
    Anyway, there are already models for the Great Apes, and Namek transformation is fine with just having some sparks around like the ones on +12 armors and weapons. I am making reference to the fight of Piccolo vs Imperfect Cell (

    just to give an idea of what I imagine it could look like. But, the real deal would be a Super Buu model for both female and male characters that resemble the original models of every player. Although I am pretty sure there are some amazingly skilled guys out there that make mods for their games all the time and would like to be part of a project like this just for the fun and experience. Right!? :)
    A Saiyan tail would go perfect with the wish for Great Ape.
    And as for the Super saiyan 2 and up transformations I would agree that it might not work for this game, so I won't even go over that. And another race would be mind blowing, but it is a lot more than we can wish for right now.

    Thank you for reading my coment. If you made it all the way here let me know what you think :D .
    Here is a Saiyan potato

    Today I spent the whole morning event hunting full throtle at place full of super and only saw 4 balls in my map. In this new server, do we have places with higher spawn rate than others. Back in TW I used to wish at least once a day and I know most people would say that it is a lie but there are a few that might have been able to do it swell and know that it is true. But again, are there specific places with higher or lower spawn rate? or maybe a specific type of mob that was altered to have a low rate?

    So I grabbed the item, it gave me a quest and took me to the guy. Then that guy gave me a quest to go talk to the little girl by the tower to let me climb. And the kid just won't let me up :(. Any idea what's going on? ?(?(

    Hello,A new

    I have installed wine on my MacBook and downloaded the game but whenever I try to run it the launcher appears and right after that a pop up show saying "A new DBO Launcher is available" with an "OK" button right below. No matter what I do or how many times I press the "OK" or simply close the pop up, it will always update the launcher and then repeat everything from the moment the launcher shows. Anyone having the same issue here or any recomedations other than get a pc? :huh:?(