Posts by Mero

    Thank you for finally releasing the game of my dreams. Good job.

    But I have one tiny question:
    This is the looks of my launcher K2wiStd.jpg
    Currently it updates and everything is fine with it. But is this is the LEGIT launcher that we'll use to try the pre-open beta? Or we're gonna have to redownload the game again?

    Note that I used the same launcher to test the game when the developers released it for testing and the game was running perfectly fine.

    You won't even need the launcher to play the Pre Open Beta, you'll just need to open DBOG.exe and it will bring you to the login screen.

    Yes, go look at the pre open beta announcement, and i think it is Saturday/Sunday depending on time zone. I'm just glad i can get my new pc set up in time

    Nope, at least in my time it's in the morning on Friday. In EST, 12-18 is 8 AM - 12 AM. GMT +1 is only 6 hours ahead of EST. I'm not sure about the other timezones.

    I'm not sure either, when the main game comes out I want to be a Swordsman Human, but if I have to re-do a Human I might get bored, it's between Namek or Human. So hard to decide. I think I'm just going to do a Human for POB and the Open Beta/Full Game.

    Actually right now, Break is in the game but it doesn't break the item like it use to thankfully. It just makes the item go back to level 0 which is what everyone likes instead of losing said item~

    Ah I see, now that you say that, it sounds a lot better than breaking the item.

    I agree with you and that should be in the game but the question is are they going to add this ?

    This was in the original DBO, Daneos just wants to know if it should be added or not. I think it should be a risk factor to upgrade your weapons and items.

    Not everyone can steal their mom's credit card.. I personally couldn't.. lol :)

    I would have definitely bought it, but I was too late. I had no idea that it was possible to play DBO, I thought the open alpha was the last time for testing.

    hey gays..i can just open it from DBO launcher?? or DBOG file??

    You can open it just from the DBOG.exe file when the Pre Open Beta begins. Also, I can see you're main language isn't English, instead of saying "gays" you should use "guys". :)

    How do people get dogis ingame? drop wise? I never figured that out..

    Always got my dogis from AH or Cash shop :|

    They got them from the Wagu machine, and I think some people got it from drops which is what someone told me back when DBO was still up.

    Agreed, its not officially the next day until after alaska hits the next day :dtongue:

    It's already past the deadline in Daneos time, meaning it can release at any random time now. I'm not worried or anything, because I know Daneos is working very hard to get this game out. I just can't wait to play this amazing game again.