Posts by cmu525

    so no matter what pack we buy its gonna make us be apart of the closed beta test right because i wasnt apart of closed alpha and closed beta is going to happen in (no one knows when) i would like to be apart of closed beta when i donate 65$ or plus ;(

    i would like more races but it would take a lot of work to progam into the game that isn't even done and also it would have to be balance out with outher races because in DB C (dragon block c - mine craft mod) they added the freiza race but they made it to op even at max out stats for all of them the namekian race battle power only reached 200,000 while the sayain race and the freiza race reached over 15 mil but the point of this it would be hard to balance out the race to be equaly to each other unless they have better gear

    will there be better tutorials on crafting instead of putting things in slots and see what happens because all the mmo's i played i didn't craft anything i just bought them and it was a waster of money when i could have made them but didn't know how

    the only reason a sayain/human was number one was because the namekians wasn't trying hard enough to be in that spot also namekians with their unique abilities want be one slotted so easily and to start wasn't trying to be specificly on the game but in the anime as well but i feel like even in the game sayain/human are weaker because they start out with less health than namekian and sayain/humans strong because of their moves and not there combat ability