We didn't even have the commands to spawn stuff buddy. But hey, doesn't seem to matter much anymore.
Posts by Santo
Una consulta, que pasara con los avances que hagamos con aquellas cuentas nuevas, es decir, los que no tenemos acceso al 2.0?
¿Se perderá todo el proceso? ¿Hay alguna fecha estimada para la transición definitiva al 2.0?
Muchas gracias.
Todo el progreso de los personajes se borrara, solo se quedaran con el nombre de sus personajes a nivel 1. Si su personaje era mayor a nivel 30 se les entregara un item que los sube a nivel 30 al instante. Todo el cash que hayan comprado se les devolvera para que lo puedan usar denuevo.
de donde descargaste el launcher 2.0 ????
Pueden descargarlo de aca. Les recuerdo que esta aun en fase de pruebas.
instale el launcher 2.0 y al hacerlo no me deja acceder con mi cuenta actual, soy un jugador reciente y el launcher antiguo me daba mucho lag, asi que cambie por este, pero al usar mi usuario y contraseña, estas no sirven
Solo cuentas creadas antes de Enero 27/2019 pueden entrar al 2.0.
i cant log in
The game is currently working just fine.
Una vez que se realize el reseteo, el maximo nivel seguira siendo 70.
2019 vote to reset the server, when will it appear?
After the 2019 reset message, many people gave up the game! I just want to know if it will reset now
The wipe will only happen once the new client 2.0 is stable and bug free, after that we will move to the new client.
It decides to change positions for absolutely no reason. Nothing was clicked at all.
This error shows up when upgrading options like max players, JRs, etc. HOWEVER it still upgrades without any problem, it is just the message.
La pagina esta funcionando correctamente.
Were you able to see if the dragon had 0 LP?
everything looks fine..I wanna remind you about Scouters..they didn't show other players' actual level. It was bugged. Hope this gets fixed.
Moreover I suggest to go back to the old dragon balls Search. The one we had before farming..I believe it is more faithful to the anime.
The power levels shown in the scouter is already fixed in 2.0.
This happens because the client 1.0 has trouble with windows 10. My best suggestion is to simply turn the folowing option off while you play. It will reduce the freezes by a lot.
The names of the kid characters move and don't stay above the their heads. The furhter you move away from them, the worse it gets. (Only for the ones with guilds)
I'm online right now
I got online but you were off.
There’s no need to worry, because
I am here.
Don't play this game every year wipe so u waste ur time
There's only one last Wipe planned with the release of the new client. There won't be any in the future.
Welcome to the game, hope you have fun.