Posts by Santo

    I get the feeling game will not even make it to Open Beta. Daneos is playing a very risky game considering he is using a game that is not his to make profit off of. It is very possible Netmarble or whoever is in charge of the DragonBall Online liscense will shut down this project before Daneos can move DBOG into Open Beta.
    If you want a prime example of this, just go look into the fiasco of the "Fighting is Magic" project started by Mane6 over 3 years ago. Hasbro waited until the very end (when they were JUST about finished) and shut that b/itch down with a Cease & Desist.

    Since Daneos does not hold legal domain over the property nor the development studio of NTL, he has no rights when it comes to creating a private server, let alone making money off of it.

    I say we get Kid Clocks implemented NOW so that the game doesn't shut down before we have a chance to use them. It should take Daneos maybe a day or two tops to finish coding and patching it to the server. Since it can be used as a Cash Shop item, he is free to charge as much as he wants for it, and people will still buy the thing. He has already dug a hole for himself legally by using a liscensed property that he doesn't own as well as making money off of it, so there's no reason to be hesitant to releasing another Cash Shop item.

    I can't belive you're demanding him to put it just because you want it, also saying in the fisrt post that you will not be mean to him for just doing that? Dude, for him, us and everyone else you're just a mean text in the chat that nobody considers important. If you want it in game just wait until Daneos considers that it should be added.

    Please try to refrain from complaining about whether or not the server will crash.

    The idea was to discuss about whether or not you enjoyed doing this event in retail :)

    I've never played the original game, but it would be amazing to see again more than 90 people trying to take down those bosses.

    It does not crash, I've seen videos where Daneos spawned some bosses without problem, also there's no reason to crash, is just one mob... with 2M of Health.

    Que pidas trabajo aquí??? Jajajajjajjajajaj si no aceptan ni la ayuda gratis. Un ejercito de programadores se ofreció a trabajar gratis por ayudar al dbo y a los fans... Ni responden jaajjajjaaj además posteas las soluciones en algún topic... Y te lo cierran primero... Lo borran segundo... Y te banean en tercer lugar. Un consejo... No critiquen mas a daneos y su servicio sino quieren ser baneafos como me paso a mi jajajajjajjaajjsua

    Por como hablas, no me sorprende el por qué te han baneado.

    Eso mismo, jajajajaj.
    Acabo de ver que hay también más gente a la que le ocurre: Cuando mueres en el juego dejan de funcionar aretes, anillos y los accesorios pierden durabilidad que NO tienen.

    I was about to report this, my rings, earings even my dogi seemed to be broken and in a shop the repair icon says "rapairs not needed" but if you click it you will repair them and it will cost money, also, rapairing them fixes them.

    People, this thread was suposed to be serious and respectful, now there's a lot of users mocking others because they simply like to make people mad. Guys, must of you are acting like kids right now, be respectful with others and I'm sure we can come up with a solution, even @Daneos got mad in the fisrts posts calling a user as "drunk" or "high".

    Tell me where is the balance here? lmao. I would like know your opinion if your fav class is constantly being touched in the updates and messing stuff that arent not that important for example like trying to fix TMQs.

    I'd love to see how people that use Majins and Nameks "cry" when something related to their characters are "adjusted" (nerfed).

    Back to Constitution build... Is the same like having the DEX build but with more health! :D
    I thought people will stop using constitution and start building damage, defense, etc, while this characteristics were being fixed. With this I can understand that we will always need CON because is still better. Too bad.

    I just tried fighting with level 28 monsters and always 1/4 attacks they hit me, I'm 55!!! What's the point of building dodge rate and DEX!?

    Someone with 300 of hit rate... hit me! Having 1255 of dodge rate! Should I need 4000!???