Posts by Kichyo

    Pode tentar usar a compatibilidade, sabe como fazer? ir na pasta do jogo procurar o executavel do dbo (não o launcher) ai você clica com o direito e vai em propriedades > compatibilidade e usa o xp 3 ou 2.

    Carlos, tenta criar um novo perfil de usuario no seu pc, com privilégios de Administrador e depois tenta rodar o jogo dnv

    I start the game with the launcher, it is transparent with the loading symbol, and nothing happens. I already tried to leave this screen for 5 minutes, then something happens. the game opens but completely lagging and i choose the character and try to enter the server (everything still lagging)when I click to play it is in an infinite loading screen that never ends. my cumputer runs the game and I know it because I already have some characters and I always played, but lately out of nowhere it happened.

    what shoud i do?