Posts by Badass

    I was thinking about "Hey, how about I create a guild when the game comes out!"
    I'll create a guild as fast as I can when IN-GAME but for now I can just say that I made it xD
    (I don't remember the Requirements for a new guild, tell me?)
    But Hey What I want you guy to do for me (If it is ok), is help me get a cool name, and tell me If you want to join so maybe we can know where to put you guys as in Leadership :) : (If you don't want to be in the guild, at least help me find a name xD)
    Name in mind is The Swagger Team :pinch:

    And as Always... STAY SWAGGER! 8) 8) 8)

    Hey y'all! I've seen a lot of chat going on about a job of Bug "Exploring", so I just want to see what is the fuss all about!
    1- Can anyone apply if they have fluent English, or just specific people around the place who can?
    2- Can I apply? (I have very good English)
    3- If, lets say for an example, I joined the "Bug Exploring" team, can I get to the servers of the game anytime? or only when you open it?
    Hope the reader knows whats going on, because if you do, please tell me !
    And Stay Swagger! 8)

    They are all possible... But VERY HARD!
    See, the team is trying their best to bring the game back! And I understand how you like the series and its interaction with the game and the moves.
    But the team, however, only wants to bring the game back! Plus I have realized something lately! And that is what if they made the game.... It will be impossible to add the moves somewhere that the whole Tree of moves won't get ruined! I mean just think about it for a minute you'd realize the same thing.
    And plus (I hate to bring the bad news) the only way possible is to make them before the game start and re-do the whole Skill Tree, and I guess for there, you'd know how many day, months, (Or even years someimes xD) it would take!

    1st thing : Welcome to the forums and enjoy your wait here ... like we are!
    2nd thing: I thank you for reading the RED MESSAGE and knowing that the server is under development! Not everyone says that, normally they just say "When is the server out?" which Annoys us as waiters how many there is of that kind! So thank you again!

    I know it is not too nice to say... But you couldve just put those 2 replies into 1 Reply... I mean xD no offense !
    But it is true... 1- Fun.... then 2- Troll xD

    I gathered the DBs like 3 times... but never wished for Super Saiyan.. All I got was Kid Buu. It was fun doing that too!

    I think it is not something to care about, you just have to find your way of having fun.
    I mean last time I made 3 characters, and made it to lv 70 with both... but it was just missions and EASY Dungeons.
    Then I made a 3rd Character which was my 2nd Human and was a Fighter, I HAD SO MUCH FUN... I ended up at lv 40 with it, and it honestly took me like 3 times as much as it took me with the OTHER characters... But I just didn't care, I was having so much fun! :)
    SO I think I'll be less HARD going on the Missions and all that, but I will be leveling up (Slowly of course) but it doesnt matter, AS LONG AS I ENJOY IT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!

    I have realized there has been WEIRD suggestion and nearly impossible ones!
    I don't really care to how the game is gonna change in that HUGE way, because I came to play the game that I liked and played in 2013... thats All! :)

    So please guys, I suggest that you don't make such a big DEAL while knowing that the whole team cares only to bring the game back!
    *Or you can go to community discussions and just say you suggest another place to put threads in, and call it *Impossible Hopes* xD Sorry if you think that is impossible* :P
    And as Always STAY SWAGGER :thumbup:

    As alot of other Threads were made about this.
    But, I still like the idea, however, it is impossible to make, they basically need to REMAKE every class because adding another transform isnt justs the design and stats gain... IT IS ALOT OF HARD WORK!
    And this team has literally like the lowest amount of workers in it to REMAKE or MAKE an online game! So maybe this will be possible after this team has expanded to about 10x its size now!

    Well... They are progressing in the game, and that post about the Facebook Likes was really OLD! So as they went on... IDK, maybe they thought that they need more time and made this Red Message at the top of every page, it is so we can remember that they aren't done, and not to confuse our selfs with other posts!
    Hopes that this helps you!

    Before I start anything... I may used the wrong Terms or words for those things!
    Hero: The monster in a dungeon that you face at the end of it. (Usually drops a HERO Item)
    Legendary: The monsters you see in different parts of the dungeon, and they are normally surrounded by Rare monsters. (Usually drops a Legendary Item)
    In DBO, I used to play with my guild mates a lot, we used to go dungeons most of the time, and I just know that we had a harder time dealing with Legendary monsters than the Hero monster...
    I mean a HERO monster should be VERY hard to KILL, but it is usually easy! However, Legendary mobs are hard to kill, but they are VERY HARD!
    My friends and I would nearly all die trying to kill Legendary mobs, even after planning our moves! And HERO ones were like a no sweat battle to us!
    Did Anyone had the same thing happen to him?
    And Will any Development change HERO and make it more Challenging, or make Legendary LESS challenging?! :thumbsup:

    I hope that they would make the HERO Mobs in the Dungeons more challenging, or Legendary Mobs less challenging!
    Because I remember my friends and I used to have a huge problem against the rare and Legendaries and Hero was totally easy!
    2nd Hope is a more balanced class set... because Humans are powerful and other stats are average, Namekians are High def and health and low Power, and majin were just Average in everything.... which sucked... I mean majin SHOULD be the strongest race there is or the most OP because of the Story, and they are just too weak compared to namekians or Fighters!