Posts by SaiyanHalfie

    So... After farming with a good friend of mine and finally getting the 200'000 Zeni required to make a guild. The first step was taken hyped and happy we moved on to Kokkara where we spent like three hours finally recruiting five english speaking people to utilize our dream.. But then everything took a turn south. I approach the Guild Manager; selected a name and hit the Confirmation button.


    What happened next shook me down to the core; 'Guild name already exists' and then the cash sound when you buy something played. I checked my inventory only to see that the 200'000 Zeni we worked so hard for vanished in thin air.


    My ingame name is Jekkt and I apologize to everyone involved. I apologize for stealing your time, I apologize for failing so hard.

    Long story short: If you randomly happen to pick a guild name that's taken you will not only -not- get a guild but your cash poofs into thin air too.

    : (

    So yea, I'm gonna start reporting some bugs for a friend that can't log in here (Copied from the Facebook page they reported them there.)

    Right Clicking a mob and initiating the targetting with a red circle.
    In old DBO the character used to run up to the destinafion and started
    throwing punches at it. On DBOG you have to manually close in the last
    few meters to the mobs. (Tested on a Human Martial Artist). And while I
    don't wanna sound whiney it's actually a great annoyance that should be

    - While Upgrade Stones seem to work nicely
    I haven't gotten any of the Lvl Up Gift Box Red/Blue Upgrade CARDS to
    work. And it usually gets one stuck at the flip card gamble screen
    unable to move till you relog.

    - Pretty certain that
    Ranked Modusa Battle in Single Mode used to be a thing even at level one
    and matched you up with players on a simliar level, didn't seem to get
    it to work so I assume it's bugged.

    Reported by Lazuli NumberEighteen on Facebook.

    What I figured out:

    - Turtle Escort Quest doesn't work.

    - The 'Might' Buff for Martial Artists doesn't work.

    - 'Practice Tree' and 'Dark Eye' Quests don't work either.


    Excuse me if some of those were mentioned elsewhere. I didn't bother to double-check.

    And I'll use this chance to express my gratitude to Daenos and the whole dev team, ya'll are awesome!
