limiting the ip connections to 1or 2 is fine by me.
Posts by Box-head(boxbox)
*warning this idea will enrage everyone as if picks on free to play players and cashiers*
heres an idea to meet in the middle.
a softwipe to occur when proper securities for bots and hacker are implemented and the game is fixed appropriately.
softwipe in this form
remove all upgraded gears and
reset all charactors at level 30, give founders there packs, and people get to keep there names. this way f2p's have some attacks and can avoid the early boring parts of leveling and can start with there master class.
remove brown boxes, white stones and rare dogi balls from wagu machine and cash shop.
refund cp to those who have donated
so tung can be happy
problem solved.
if those cashiers have a problem with brown boxes, white stones and rare dogi balls being removed then we know why they truely want a reset
ithink if you gave everyone a1 level 30 up on the account it wouldnt be so bad to level up from there.
but thats my 2sense.
interesting idea.
we will need to go into more detail for each class inorder for this to work
I join it but I don't found any tutorial xD
search guide in the general chat
you looking for a guide to play jion this discord server
please note i dont own the discord server
seems like this game isnt much better than dbog
sure the graphics are better but the combat looks entirely similar or even worse for that matter, since the combat appears to be the same speed or even slightly slower.
On top of the annoying requirements of having either a q..q account or we chat account to get into the game imma gonna hope for an english release and a tidier game.
ohh well this new game only allows chinese players play.
you need a chinese phone number
this should be submitted as a ticket use link here
5 levels ahead or below
there will be a dragonball icon on the right hand corner of your screen if the hunt is active
I do think that crane should be mainly pointed in this post, since turtles can always be found an way to counter them even if you're slowed down. or slept. ( in my opinion ) .
Spiritualist class should be the one to be nerfed since its pretty much which makes turtle and crane op asf in pvp.
As for pve, i think turtle should be, as someone mentioned in this post, buffed in defense buffs since they bring more penalties than actual buffs.
And since i spoke about it and didn't detail it much, here's what i think about crane:
Altho its their main source of damage, i think the bleed is too op. Even sk has bleed but not thousands of them. I think some abilities should NOT STACK, since the skill to detonate the DOTS deals too much high damage, even tanks cannot handle it, since it seems pretty much impossible to tank it out once you have over 6 bleeds on you, which is clearly nothing for a crane - conclusion : make it so that they cannot stack that much bleeds on their target, such as 3 limit and then AFTER they detonate, it has like a 0.5-1 second cooldown before they can start spamming bleed again ( not in PVE, but in PVP, as it would kill the class if it changed pve. ) ------my point here is that, just like any debuff, once spammed the duration and efficiency gets reduced, and the same should happen to bleeds. Specially for a class that can easily 100 to 0 you with few skills, knowing that they ALSO have a debuff to lower your HP %.
Lastly, their "non wake up" bleed, the one from lv52, isn't too much broken, but rather it is a bit a pain in the ass as new players have to actually learn that it *insta attacks* the target if used. It should paralyse the user, as it would "kill" the benefit from that skill, which is the possibility of NOT waking up the target.agree to disagree.
Cranes need to be able to stack dots since that is the only way they can do serious damage to a target. If you are having trouble with bleeds use anti bleed gear it nutters a crane pretty good. It also stops dodon ray barrage.
Sleep duration I will agree is long just like karmas skill lock, confusion dark beam.
Slow down skill can be countered with movement speed boots.
Spiritualist have the major weakeness of not having a true stun. all you have to do is get close and its ez pz gg.
Dw isnt the best for pvp it requires alot of gear to be good. DW is pretty near unkillable in pve but pvp its damage just isnt good enough to deal with healers and tanks.
Shadow Knight is good tank class and is excellent for 1v1 pvp
lol is the meme meant not to be readable. is the meme a meme of its self
The main problem is not upgrade sucess rate but grind. It is just not friendly for players that grind hard and thier reward is guarantee
Lets start from grind you can grind for 2 hours and you get few red/blue stones but someone else in 1h can get 3 green and 1 purple, this is not normal and fair, someone who forcing himself to grind and trying hard will lose motivation because here's is no results.A Friend of mine suggested to add new crystals that will have 100% drop rate and let players exchange them for real stones thanks to that every player who grind will have sure reward.See image below
The crystals will have bind, drop rate of them will be 100%, 1 kill = 1 crystal (of course like today from lvl 55 monster you can drop only one stone of u50,u53,55,u58)
Now we need also add NPC where we will be able to exchange our crystals that also will have bind.
250 X u60 = 1red/blue u60
300 X u60 = White u60
600 X u60 = 1 purple/green u60etc...
-Next thing that we need to do is remove stones from tokens.
-Players should be able to collect 999 stones in one slot or even 9999 if is possible.______________________________________________________________________________________________________
-Next is upgrade system
1- Give back broken card (when you selected broken card and you didnt use white stone your item is gone)
2- when you hit broken card you getting downgrade -3(50%) -2(40%)
3- purple/green give only +2(60%) and +3(40%)
4- 100k zeni cost for every upgrade hit (This makes a great zeni sink for the game)
5- Every upgrade fail decrease item durability by 25%, broken by 50% (if white stone is used) you can't upgrade without durability (this is for money balance and another zeni sink)please remember that upgrade system must base on RNG (3 cards) RNG keeping balance between new comers, f2p and p2w players, someone can hit +15 with 3 stones and someone can't do that even with 100.
We just can't totally remove RNG from the game.Now players will complain about balance because turtle will drop way more stones than fighter, and they can't move stones to fighter here we need go back to Yardat key and make ACCOUNT BIND and not CHARACTER BIND, The Yardat warehouse key opens a bank slot that can be accessible between characters on the same account
we should allow players to share all items between characters on the same account, cc items, dragon wish accessory. etc -
ultimate is the better class overall, they are by far tanker than grand chef due to their insane props, lp% buff and resistance (when stacked with full dex gear)
grand chefs candy balls are way better for mass crowd killings compared to ultimates spins. but I should note ultimate does tanking, aoe, and pvp extremely well.
Its the best class in this game currently if you wish to try everything out.
the games current population is very low at the moment.
i believe it will rebound when daneos releases the new client.
right now the games bug health is in the same situation as it was since 60 cap was release.
many people have noted the balance is still on going progress and some people who have support this game has either continued to voice there frustration or have left to find another game that suits there fancy.
I only hope for the best but right now we are seeing dbog in some of its darkest times.
I like the idea of prelims to allow kds as a kill. This would allow classes like swordsmen, karma, crane, and heck maybe plasma who have a fair bit of kds to utilize them to score kills instead of having the same generic 3 classes going to the round of 32.
try use ticket support to get help with your issue.
ethanvolcano returns to troll us all jaja.
clearly this thread was made as a comic joke anyone who takes it seriously is missing the point.