Posts by Kaioshin Vall

    Crafting is worthless in Dbo unless you have access to cashshop. So you poor m********** should just quite before you even begin. Believe me, itll save you many hair-pulling, ulcer-inducing moments.

    Please refrain from using that language again. It's against the Code of Conduct.

    It hasn't worked, even after re-extracting. I'm not sure what the problem is ;-;

    If you whitelisted the programs on your antivirus and added an exception on your firewall and still doesn't work. Try changing the region between North America and Europe/Asia etc. If that also doesn't work, then I believe that you will have to download the whole game again =/ (After deleting the one you already have)..

    All these unless someone else knows something more than I do.

    P.S. You are using the account that you created on the homepage, right? I know it's dumb but I've seen people using their forum account/password when you have to use your homepage one.

    I'm not able to get onto DBOG either. It says "Authentication Failure"...

    The server is online. I think that the problem you have is with your firewall..Add an exception for DBOG.exe and DBOGLauncher. Also whitelist those 2 files on your antivirus.

    Tell me how it goes.

    Do what I said over here. If that doesn't solve it, then re-extract the game.. Maybe some files are missing because your antivirus deleted them.

    See how easy it is to use google translator? :)

    I don't see the point of your post. The forums have individual sections for each language but on the main forums you are allowed to write in English and German. I can also write in my native language but you won't understand a thing and then you would have to use Google translator.
    Anyway, writing in any language except English and German on the main forums is a violation of the Code of Conduct and with that I will rest my case.

    Hey uhh, newb question, and just gonna throw this out there. I have seen people playing online 3 days ago so I decided to hop back on but can't connect to authentication server. So are the servers or channels down or am I just late and missed the pre-open beta? Please reply as soon as you can so I can need what's going on.

    The server is online. I think that the problem you have is with your firewall..
    Add an exception for DBOG.exe and DBOGLauncher. Also whitelist those 2 files on your antivirus.

    Tell me how it goes.

    Like Midoriya-kun said. Add DBOG.exe and DBOGLauncher as exceptions in your firewall, also add them to your whitelist on your antivirus. That would solve the connecting problem.

    Does this mean I can't progress any more till this is ready to go ?I don't really know much about this game. I only reached lv 30 before it was closed '-'

    You can progress in the game but you won't be able to do TLQ,TMQ and UD..
    Time Leap Quests are quests for passive skills like guard,charge,dash.
    Time Machine Quests are quests that reward gear.
    UD are dungeons.

    You can do quests and level up but it will be abit slower.

    so you're telling me that i have to do everything over to get the flying skill?

    The flight passive is not available yet. So no you won't get it even after you do the quests. I don't know what will happen when they add the flying passive skill. Maybe you will be given the passive, maybe not.

    Pre-Open Beta is for more people to participate in order to find bugs, glitches and other system problems that must be fixed. It's not for people to have fun, as many of you think. When everything is added, then the test phase continues, people can/must test everything and report back. That's the reason of having a Pre-Open Beta and not an Open Beta from the beginning.
    I'm tired of people whining and can't understand that this is a test phase. The Dev team could have chosen to keep it private only for founders, but they didn't and gave us an open test phase.
    Don't be so ungrateful and don't tell me that people will get bored because if they kept up with the forum, they would know what was coming and what the Pre-Open Beta really is.

    Now, since went off-topic on this thread, I won't be answering any more questions or debating with you on that matter. If you want me and more people to participate, then the Pre-Open Beta Off-Topic is where you should do it.

    Peace out.

    Gostaria de saber mais sobre as contas, se serão apagadas ou se irá zerar tipo voltar ao lv 1??
    sobre os itens na conta como principalmente o Zeni irá continuar, por favor preciso de respostas, não quero upar atoa ou juntar itens atoa.
    algum responde ai por favor!

    Okay. First of all, you aren't allowed to write in Portuguese outside the Portuguese Section of the forum. You can only write in English or German.

    I used the google translator and the answer to your question is : Yes everything will be deleted when the Pre-Open Beta ends. Characters along with their levels and their inventory will be deleted. So you have to start over again.

    so you are saying that when he c ompletes all of that he will put it all at once in POB and if test goes well we are moving to Open Beta

    Yeap. That's what Daneos said. I don't know if there are going to be any changes or if he changed his mind on how to do things. But that's what he said when I asked the question 3 weeks ago.

    i think they should put tlq in pre open beta then adult then dungeons and if that goes well then open beta should start

    Daneos has already given information about this and I have posted it right above.