Posts by Prometheus

    What are you talking about "2017"?Daneos himself thought it'll take couple months but it depends on how long it'll take to create Functions.

    Well with even Kaio Ken x20 Goku was no match for frieza, but as Super Saiyan he was kind of playing with him and felt dissapointed of frieza's power..However, in the game you can achieve Kaio Ken x3 only, so Super Saiyan might be weaker than original but at least not weaker than Kaio Ken when Super Saiyan already has 1 hour cooldown.

    If you mean Pre Open Beta end:
    Perfect news: Global Update Thread

    There are many threads about that and most of people believe that it'll come in 1- 2 months (Open Beta,without wipes and main features like time rift,adult,master ..) or it might be even sooner as you can guess from this post.

    Closed what?If you're talking about server it's on more than 2 weeks as in Pre Open Beta (time rift and etc is not ready yet, game has many bugs and after Pre Open Beta progress will be wiped) so if you don't like what i told, you can just wait or go on and play if you really want to.

    Well, this Dragon Ball Online is trusted and team is better than other one (it might become official - at least not officially).
    Keep on great and see you in game one day.

    Yes everything will be wiped out except cash points if you had them (cash points that you spend will come back).You should read game status before playing because many of people are asking this question these days.Anyway if you're new then you should know that the game is not done and main things in the game are not coded/tested yet so it'll be more interesting to play in Open Beta.

    Good Luck.

    Game has many bugs and Time Rift, etc is not even coded yet as you think and that's hard to do, it's like rewriting a whole story when currently the story is good just with some small mistakes.

    If they make it so everyone can accelerate for free it would make all vehicles null. but best thing i'd say if they do make it free is to lower the max AP and put AP restorative items in the shop.

    In many games mounts (cars..) are not usable to get somewhere faster because there are faster ways like flying, so they still buy mounts because they want to look better.
    Anyway flying is much more interesting and in air you're free to go and mounts can't go across all the mountains.