Posts by Nootch

    Put this together really quick. Trying to get a visual from what you were stating above. Check out the attachment, hopefully it uploaded correctly.

    PS. I made up the additional stones [diomand/bronze, etc]

    Something like this?


    You have constantly, and clearly stated you are against this formula.

    You have NOT given any constructive ideas of a better system. Debates about the upgrade system can and will help out every member in the end. What you say is valid, and I can feel the passion you have. Please provide us with a system that you feel would work :)

    I have seen that done in other games @'ninjaworrior123. I agree with that suggestion.

    Just want to point out, that if that function was not already built into the original game, Daneos and the developers would have to build that system from scratch. I am ALL FOR IT, but that would be a project to be finished after the Beta's have been concluded :).

    Hi all.

    I am a new player, and have never experienced DBO when it was originally available. My perspective/opinion on this matter is, I do not want to level my first few characters strictly off other peoples builds. It is not fun to play for 20 minutes, then Alt+Tab to google, look at a build, and spend my points that way. I would prefer to play the game in DBO, and mess around, have a bad build, and learn to play my class myself. Never know, I may stumble upon an unorthadox combo that no one has realized before :). [doubtful because there are amazingly talented ppl out there that have already min/maxed the builds lol]

    : 2 or 3 free resets. [if the function is not already built into the game for this to happen, then have players receive teh skill reset books at a certain level. (lv 30 and lv70)]

    Free Resets are so people can freely enjoy the game, level up however they want, and if they realize a skill doesnt work as intended, or as well as they hoped, then they can change it later. The 3rd reset, would be strictly to alter from their PVE into a PVP build at endgame.

    Again, just my thoughts on the matter, but I enjoy this topic.

    Welcome Neo.

    I am in the same boat as you. Played dozens upon dozens of MMO's, but missed my chance with DBO. Thankfully, lightning strikes twice, and we get a second chance at this great game. [guessing its a great game with all the hype its built up lol]

    Hi Xyro,

    You will not be the only one experiencing DBO for the first time. I was not aware that DBO was a thing, until it was already over :(. Look forward to jumping in game with you!

    Quote from Daneos

    The Pre-Open Beta Test will last until we complete Dungeon, TLQ, TMQ, and other important System.
    Once we complete the game with all its function we shall move onto Open beta.

    Its right in the announcement post.

    Everything will be deleted after the POB.


    I look forward to any info you can pass on. I was not lucky enough to know about DBO when it was originally active. So this will be my first ever experience, and I am soo hyped!!

    Hi there.

    I was unlucky to not know about Dragonball Online. I am from North America, and would have played even with the language issues. So glad to hear this is going to have English support.

    Thank you to everyone that has worked on this game, to make it a reality. Thank you also, to every fan out there! Can't wait to jump in and help other players out.