Posts by sorahicks231

    If I knew chinese, taiwanese or whatever that is i would have told ya. You asked what they do and I told you. They summon shenron.

    Yeah, that was my fault. I was typing out what my brain was thinking, but it turn out to be a completly dum question after re-read what I typed. So my bad on that part.

    Well:T1 calls Shenron,
    T2 calls Shenron,
    T3 calls Shenron.
    Very simple.

    I should have phrase the question diffrnetly. I already knew what T1 and T2 does, but I never knew there was a T3. I properly should have asked what do you do for T3, but thanks for the smart ass comment.

    T1 is the set of Dragonballs you get from the quest, where you can only wish for one single thing in the end.

    T2 are gathered by a unfair event(every day for about 2 hours, if that time is when you sleep or work well then screw you, you don't get any) that are used for several wishes. Most importantly the transformation of your race and a buff.

    T3 could only be gotten by beeing really really REALLY good in ranked PVP. But since i never was that i have no idea what you got from those.

    Thank you for answering.


    In the next hours I will update the server with some major fixes and changes on the script system.

    The server is going to be offline for the server maintenance.

    Duration: 1~ Hour. UxldYz8.png?1

    So yeah thats in the update.

    Either equip your scouter and/or repair your gear to fix it.

    yep,gotta agree...its quite sad actually,thing is that the crowd that played mmos werent like this in the past.
    i still remember my days of playing SWG,i built myself homes close to the spaceports and there i would keep in storage special backpacks filled with goodies that newbie players would use,like weapons,speeder mount,etc,etc.

    i swear i cant even remember anyone begging,i do remember new players being very polite...they just aproached you and kindly ask for some information since they were new to the game.
    i always liked helping those,i spent whatever time i would need to spend to get them up to speed and give them info on what proffesions to pick and how to make some money while they leveling,after chatting with them i would tell them to wait and i would go to my house and pick a backpack for felt good you know? to help new players which in time would be a great addition to the server,also made a lot of good friends like that.

    but i dont know,seems the mmo crowd has been getting worst and worst with the years,words like please and thank you seem to have been erased from the minds of the players,a lot of them are just bossy and have entitlement issues beh,i probably sound like an old man when he says coke-cola was like 5 cents in his days rofl but this is just what ive noticed over the years...

    You played SWG? Thats cool! I only played the Swgemu version since 2012. I unfortinally never got to play galaxies at the golden age since it was a monthly fee game at the time. I was too young to play and my parents were aganist the monthly fee thing so I never got around to it. Yeah sucks how players baiscly treat other people nowadays.

    As much as I want to mess with and tell them how it is, unfortinally in reality there is pure stupidity on the planet that people will never learn. It has proven many times before that you can't just tell them to fuck off. Sure in rare cases someone might actually start to change their ways a little if you tell them how it is, but still thats only a rare case and not often see. If you tell them to fuck off and do grind, and if they keep on begging on the internet, just ignore them. It isn't worth your time and money on a kid, a complete noob to mmos, and/or someone who can't understand english well.

    This is a short video showing how to get Flight. Pretty straight forward video just in case anyone else is confuse on how to get it. Here you guys go. Keep this in Mind, we're in Pre-Open beta stage now. This how to get Flight is subject to change later down the road.

    Here is some Q&A you guys might have if you can't able to read the video.
    1. What are the requirements? Level 30
    2. Do you need money? No.
    3 .Is this how it is for the rest of the game? No. Its ONLY in PRE-OPEN Beta. This will be subject to change.
    4. What about Scrolls? Scrolls are there for under level 30 to travel around in flight mode. You don't need scrolls once you get the Flight ability from cash shop.(correct me if im wrong on that)
    5. How come I got an error trying to buy Flight? Maybe you weren't clicking at the right one. Do a bit of reading first by hovering your mouse over the picture so it will display what class its ment for. Ex: If your Martisal Artist Human look for Flight Matrial Artist.