Posts by Apollo19

    Alright i really must add this too.
    Mobs detect and attack system is really bad.
    I don't know how to explain it, i just can tell something is really weird.
    Sometimes you need to come really close to them in order for them to notice you and attack you.
    Sometimes when they do notice you, they just chase you and they won't hit you unless you stop running, which was totally different on original dbo.

    It's not impossible, but it's a painstakingly long task to do, and by the time they get it, their interest in the game probably have already died out. Because as it stands, that'll be the sole thing that'll kill the majority of the playerbase. There are people that don't tolerate grind as much as the Koreans do, which is why grindy games are considered negatives.Again, underperforming just because of something you did when you were new, and get severely punished by having to spend a fortune to correct that mistake, or start a new game, is enough to drive players away.
    They could implement another method that'll keep it from being too difficult, but not too easy to get. One such way is to get pages from a repeatable quest (which would require some difficult task, probably like endgame content), get enough pages to get a book. This is just one method. I'm sure we all can keep throwing some more.

    This is my personal opinion though, at the vert least make the book obtainable one time-only like hitting the cap. By that time they'll have an idea what they want to do, and that's a motivator to play through the postgame stuff with a poor build. But if they want to change their build again, they'll have to work for that book.

    That idea is acceptable

    Just because you did it in the past, doesn't mean it's not flawed.
    And no, I disagree with it being hard to do. If your build sucks in the first place, how're you going to get that Brown Book? Resets locked behind a HUGE paid wall is more than enough to kill people's interests in the game if they like the game and want more of it. I'd know, I have that experience so many times on other Korean MMOs, because my build sucked, I sucked, and because I sucked, I couldn't get the money, and since I couldn't get the money, my only option was to delete that character and start from scratch.

    It's not fun underperforming either, just because you made a rookie mistake it shouldn't affect you the whole game.

    It's not impossible to get that much money, I did it :P
    I'm against making it impossible, but I'm also against making it too easy.
    Everyone being able to change their fighting style whenever they want makes the game much less enjoyable, at least for me.
    People who can't stand being weaker than others should go play some gta with cheat codes, destroying everything in their way (if someone finds it fun, he must be a 10 year old or something lol)

    No, if you screw your build, you shall work very hard to reset it.
    Just before dbo was shut down I was level 70 and my build was a total failure as well, because when i just started playing I didn't know how the game works exactly.
    I spent all the time trying to earn enough money for reset book and i did it.
    If i could do it, everyone can, bottom line.
    I know I wasn't the only one btw.
    If you however figure out the game early, before level 30 then you deserve to have better build than people who didn't.
    If they do this, everyone would just be reseting their skills to adjust it to their needs, which makes it exponentially easier, and it's not fun if it's not a challenge. Imagine some kung fu fighter suddenly becoming a perfect kick boxer by paying a small fee, what the f?
    And it's not true that you needed to pay real cash for reset book, people were selling them in AH for about 300 million zeni i think.
    You want a reset? Then work for it. 300 million isn't easy to earn at all (at least it wasn't before).
    Again, just bring the original dbo back, there was nothing wrong with it, don't fix what isn't broken, focus on fixing the bugs and making the game fully functional again.

    EDIT: I may have overreacted.
    It's because of these smartass comments "dont play" coming from people who never even experienced the original dbo (mostly).
    And truth be told, i won't play if it gets screwed up. No need to fix what isn't broken.

    I see many things and plans going on like changing the upgrade system, exp, combat, etc, etc..
    Can we first get the old dbo back, just the way it was, please?
    There will be time for updates and changes (changes are not necessary in my opinion, dbo was great just the way it was), but let's focus on important stuff first, shall we?

    I just found some more though:
    -When someone summons shenron and you are far from the dragon shrine (the place where you summon the shenron) you don't see him, but when you get closer you see shenron coming out of dragon shrine like it was just summoned a moment ago. If you move away from it again, you won't see him and guess what, as soon as you get closer you will see the same thing again, shenron coming out of dragon shrine as it was just summoned again. I think it wasn't like that on original dbo.
    -Pet's XP isn't increasing. I'm not sure but i think it should increase as the time passes or as you gain XP, either way, my pet didn't gain any XP for a long time.
    -More than 1 player can "collect" special items for quests at the same time, for example one player starts collecting it and 2 seconds later another player starts collecting it too. Now the first player has collected the item and it disappeared, however, that other player is still collecting the item even though it's already collected and disappeared. On original dbo you had to wait for the item to respawn in order to collect it again, or change channels.
    -You can't change channels, well, at least i couldn't. I was on channel 2 i think and i wanted to change the channel to see if there are less players around my quest area but nope, nothing happened. I only got a red message saying you're already on this channel when i tried to join channel 2 (i was indeed already on channel 2 as i said).
    -You get "Inventory full" message from time to time for no reason, i mean first of all i had plenty of space in my inventory, second, i didn't try to put something in or out of my inventory so it doesn't make any sense to get that message.

    I hope i didn't forget anything :P

    I don't know, maybe this happened only to me but, as i created a new characther (Namekian), the game made me spawn in Westland. ?(

    Damn mate, good luck escaping from there :D
    It didn't happen to me yet, idk

    Umm, i think that's normal.
    Teleporting or chasing you?
    Teleporting isn't normal, but if he's just chasing you then yes, as far as i remember they did it on original dbo too

    alright i just found more:
    -You can't send a mail to someone if you check the "request zeni" box and request at least 1 zeni. Otherwise it works, both sending zeni or just sending simple mail, but as soon as you request some zeni it doesn't work.
    -The damage is calculated way too quickly, i believe anyone who has played the original dbo will notice this. As soon as you right click on some attacking skill, the opponent loses LP, while it should happen after you hit them. It's really annoying.
    -Item and zeni drops are still not working properly, i destroyed that super "item box" something like that, near kokkara village and it didn't drop anything.
    -When you activate the scroll for flying (now i'm not sure if it's supposed to work like that or not since i didn't use scrolls that much when i played dbo) and start flying, your AP won't decrease unless you're flying at full speed, i guess you guys know what i mean.
    -Also there is a quest that tells you to use "identify" option in shop and identify unknown item. I think it's supposed to give you some unknown items so that you can identify them, but it didn't give me anything, which means i can't complete the quest.
    -The mobs and other players are spawning too slowly, sometimes you literally have to be 1 meter from them in order for them to spawn (in order for you to see them)

    That's about it, if i notice anything else i'll report :)

    EDIT: i forgot, i received some tokens now, but it still doesn't say how much time is left until next token, it just says "First token" instead of showing the actual time left, and even though i received some tokens during my session, it says "Tokens received during this session: 0", something like that.

    As far as i know dbo global is founded project and developers are paid for their work, as well as other staff.
    There was an interview with one of the staff members where he said that. Here:

    He also said that's probably the reason why they are much faster than dbo revelations, since dbor team isn't founded and they do it for fun, when they have time

    I know there is still a lot of work to do, but I'm curious, after the full game is released will they add new tmqs, by new I mean the ones that didn't exist on old dbo?
    I'm asking because last tmq on old dbo was tmq 7 I think and I'm certain the story was never completed as planned because of that, am I right?