Posts by VoidVale
Welcome DarthMax, pm or other mods for anything
Lag (connection) or fps drop (framerate)?
Ciao Nekei, di gilde italiane ATTIVE al momento non credo ci siano (vacanze, pre open, ecc...), ti consiglio di entrare nel discord del server e chiedere nella chat italiana, troverai sicuramente qualche utente attivo con cui giocare.
Don't worry, daneos is working on it, everything will be fixed soon.
Welcome and good luck for your twitch stream
Buona fortuna, seguirò volentieri il tuo lavoro
Well welcome back so, I'm sure your experience will be really helpful in our community
Welcome Brad
If you need anything feel free to contact me
Uau... another Dragon Ball fighting game.
You were hoping for a card game? oh gosh, btw I think that this game is what the dragonball videogame series needed, great game.
Basta che guardi il tuo nick
Io piuttosto mi stavo chiedendo come mai da quasi un mese non rilascia piu aggiornamenti sui lavori svolti sul server..
Welcome back so
Well it's great to have you back so
Welcome to the forums
@LeoSama Likes his own comments xD... make me Cri.... It's okay're Gucci
And randomly dislike all the others, wow what a badboy we got here.
Btw Welcome back sir :dpeace:
Welcome mate :dpeace:
Welcome mate, check in other languages section :dpeace: