Posts by Thefirenight

    The problem is the flying player who do not bother to empty the area to show db mob but that fly over the entire map and when he finds a db mob it kills him. They do not necessarily care about the other players who bother to clear the area.

    It's a noob technique, who stole the db mob of the people who clear the area.

    Think a bit of a player who is bored to empty the area to appear db mob , it is the dizziness that a player comes flying kills the db mob who are bored to make appear.

    it's frustrating and annoying

    The problem not the drop rate? I passed 2 level by killing mobs with 4 level more than mine and I had to easily kill more than 150 and I have one db, after if the drop rate is not a problem. So where is the problem?

    Basically his technique is kill the monsters to DB by flying everywhere on the map, you did not think that there were perhaps some people who are bored to make appear the monsters to DB, otherwise his walk only for levels higher than 30 and not for lower lvl which not the flight technique.

    As Holy says you have no experience, all players of the KR version have had a lot of trouble getting the dragon ball and the event lasts every weekend to see them and the drop rate was the same as this one .

    I am a former player of KR and TW versions, and it was hell to have that you play barely for 1 year you think it's enough to say that you have the experience. Do not even imagine the number of years I spent on DBO and I can tell you you have almost no experience compared to the old players of KR and TW versions

    So you think that people who work on Saturdays have to pay because they work, it's a little egocentric more people prefer to play without paying, which is the basis of free to play.

    And especially it would be pretty unequal to players who can not pay, so it's a bad idea.

    The problem is the drop rate which is worse than on korean and taiwan versions. The drop rate worked well because the db event lasted from Friday evening to Sunday evening while in dbog it lasts 4 hours, it's too little time for such a drop rate.

    Bonjour, je m'appelle Alex et j'ai une vingtaine d'année.

    Je suis un ancien joueur des versions Korean et Taiwan connu sous le pseudo Thefirenight ou Darfirenight.

    Ancien de la guilde Résistance et connaissant d'ancien membre des CapsVSCorp.

    Je compte créer une guilde avec deux autre Ancien joueur de DBO, L'un ayant joueur A la version korean et l'autre a la taiwan.

    Quand nous auront atteint le niveau nécessaire nous cherchons deux membres de plus pour créer la guilde.

    J'espère pouvoir m'entendre avec vous.

    Au ancien joueur des version korean et taiwan qui me connaissent je vous passe le bonjour ( j'ai garder les même pseudo donc si vous voulez me contacter n'hésité pas).
