Posts by Fingolfin

    You don't need the scroll to get the speed boost, the boost is included in the skill, and you don't spend AP for being in the air so you can fly for a longer time than un the last dbo. Idk if in the Open Beta it will stay as it is atm.

    El proprio Daneos dijo que sería liberado en la open beta, y el resto de las pasivas no son tan importantes ahora, porque cuando la open beta viene, se borrarán todas los personajes

    Ponme ese comentario aqui, porque si dice eso yo puedo interpretarlo que para la open beta estará todo eso, pero no quita la posibilidad de que lo pongan en le pre beta para probarlo y ver los bugs.

    Sólo en la verdadera beta será posible hacer todo esto

    Lo dudo, antes deben testearlo todo para ver que funciona bien. De no ser así habrían dado el resto de pasivas al igual que la de volar.

    Yeah dude. None forces you to pay. People are complaining about the prices when NONE forces you to pay in order to play the game. Like I said, you can do this the ingame-way with zeni. Hoard zeni and spend them on cosmetics, dogi balls, boxes and anything you want. I know it's important to engage people to pay in order for the server to keep going but there is no absolute way to satisfy everyone.
    Here's a pickle.
    If they change the prices, then some people from better evolved countries will be able to spend more money and get more stuff than the others. That will, once again, lead to people complaining that they don't get enough, when they got their way with the low prices and people from other countries could spend more $ and get more items from the cash shop. You can't satisfy everyone and I don't think that Daneos is looking forward to doing this.

    That's why I keep saying that the prices aren't final. You can complain all you want, get your way, but you will never be satisfied when you see other people getting more than you. That's how the human brain works.
    The important thing is to know your place and know when to stop.

    I think you are not getting the point. The problem is not that the game forces me and other people to pay. None says that, the problem is that people want to buy cash but they cannot afford it. The people who don't want to pay for the game won't do it and there is no problem, but there are people that actually do want to buy and they cannot (payment system apart).

    About your pickle, it won't change the things. With the actual system (not giving access to more people) for example that person of an evolve country will sell his/her dogi at 100kk, with the other system (giving access to more people) now that person can have a dogi and a hat, but because of the fact that more people have access to cash, s/he has to sell de dogi + the hat at 100kk. That person can have access to more items but it doesn't mean that he will be richer than in a system where there are less people able to get cash.

    And I repeat again that I know that the prices are final, but as they can be lower, they can be higher and I think its not crazy to contemplate the possibilities before the decisions are made.

    When I am outlining these things, I do it thinking in the best for the server. The more money they get, the better will be the future of this server. I think none wants to see what happened in the old DBO again on this server.

    I think more players would waste 50 Cash Points (depends if prices will stay or not), than try luck for 1 coin even 5 CP there's still small chances to get.

    That's why I said it must be studied. For example you can make some items as Kid Clock only obtainable in the wagu machine.

    Wagu machines are useless, everything is in Cash Shop (for now)

    Well it is not that stupid. If you make the wagu coins cheap and the possibility to get the "expensive" items obtainable from the Wagu Machine, you can engage people to use it and then create a rarity system in order to create concurrently an economy. But this is grosso modo and should be studied better.

    Yeah, it may be a private server, but it still takes up Daneos' time, so prices need to be set so everyone will actually take them. However, on the otherhand we can't argue this as the prices are again not final, they're just for now so when the full title comes then that's when things will actually matter.
    As for the shop, for now probably would be best to keep small things and not go overboard just yet as there are still bigger things to worry about than the shop. I didn't play DBO in TW or KR but I'd say the CShop isn't as important than getting all the bugs out.

    Also I was away for a bit but I am back now, for the turtle needs his revenge on whoever took his lasagna... PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE DEVASTATION I WILL BRING APON YOU!

    Although the priorities are the bugs, the cash prices have to be solved before de Beta comes out, because it won't be right if at the start of the Beta you bought something at one price, and then this price is changed. The fact that there other priorites doesn't mean that other things can't be debated.

    I know that these are not the final prices, but I was quoting a post saying that the prices doesn't matter and none force you to pay, when it is important to engage people to pay in order to keep the server alive and even make it evolve.

    Once again. It's the P-OB and the prices aren't final, also you don't have to spend anything if you don't want to. Just hoard zeni and buy them the ingame-way..

    I'm saying this in a long term. The prices are not final, but that doesn't mean that they will lower, maybe they will be higher and that's why i'm saying it.

    That was one of the problems in the old DBO, the difficulty to buy cash make few people buy cash and without money, the server started to go to the hell. The admins have to make a study of the prices and how beneficial can they be to the server. The problem is not to spend 5$ but how many things can I buy with those 5$.

    I'll give you an example. Imagine we are in a clothing shop. One shirt costs 20$ and I only have 20$. Then i will think it better and maybe i won't spend my money for just 1 T-shirt. But if I see that in the shop I can spend 20$ in 4 shirts i will be more willing to buy them, and maybe in a future i will come back to that shop and buy more shirts.

    If in this server you have to pay 5$ for a dogi, in some places where the money is more difficult to get the people won't spend their money, but if they see that with 5$ they can buy a dogi and a hat, they can be willing to spend that money.

    In conclusion, what the admins have to do in order to get money in a constant way is to make the prices attractive. With the actual prices and items costs maybe i will buy cash once, but i won't do it again. If they make prices more attractive, i will buy cash now, and in the future.

    I actually dont know how 5$ is expensive
    First of all,you buy dogis if you want is a free to play game so dont really conplain about prices
    and second,5$ you can get that kind of monmey idk somewhere in your room im sure there are 5$ i think the prices are awesome since in a normal mmorpg a skin or costume would be like 10-15$,i have no complaints about the cash shop

    Not everyone in every country has the same economic situation as you do.