Posts by PeterCinderdell

    Man you don't need to apologize, i should be. Im sorry again because i did missunderstand and make fool of myself. So best of luck to you.

    Well, it's a bit sad to think that you've been playing since 2012 and still consider it a great thing.

    Try another way, you will see that it is not so difficult.

    Where i said that i consider this game as a great thing ? Just because im playing it doesn't mean i consider it as such, so dont make false assumptions, if it's that you mean by saying that. Anyway, why would it be sad, if someone is playing the same game over 8 years whether it's good or not. Are you coming to someone who is for example drawning for 8 years and saying to him that it's sad that he was doing the same thing for over 8 years? Doesn't matter for me if someone is doing the same thing over years just because they have sentiments of some sorts to some thing, or passion. tell me if i understand that correctly, if not, im sorry.

    Maybe you can not understand it now, but someday you will have more experience and you will see that this is not the big deal.


    Understand that its not that big of a deal? man i've been playing this game since 2012 and this event always have been pain in the ass. Maybe it wouldn't be if not of this freezes every 10 seconds. All im trying to say is that i dont like that the game is forcing me to somewhat participate in this event whether i like it or not. It's just disturbing my gameplay.

    why should they do it? and if you char is so weak that you die at a simple event majin you should change it xD

    I dont know, maybe because i mentioned it in my thread? If you like seeing 2 majins at the same time, while fighting against the boss as a fighter, good for you bro, im not masochist. Add these freezes to this situation and you are in deep shit. I would not make this thread if these majin's appearing would be less of a pain in the ass, they are so often that i could make 20 minutes video of compilation of this shit.

    Can i ask the staff to do something with those majins appearing randomly after killing mobs? I'm tired of this stupid shit, i died countless of times because of this stupid event and these freezes.

    I don't know but can you at least change that majins doesn't attack you automatically after appearing?

    Miałem taki sam problem ponieważ wiele misji na 33 i aż do 40 nie dziala. Misję o których mówisz nie działają między innymi z tym autem przy drodze i tym płotkiem na farmie. Jeśli nie będziesz miał misji może poszukaj w kokkarze może coś znajdziesz. Najgorsze jest expienie na mobach ale niestety czasami trzeba. Możesz znaleźć jeszcze poradnik gdzieś na forum jak dostać się do 2 części ruin HQ jeśli tego nie zrobiłeś bo tam jest ponad 60k XP albo nawet więcej:)

    Developer gry już o tym wspominal bo było wiele takich przypadków czasami jak jest wyłączany server żeby coś dodać to cofa wszystkim grę o jakieś 30 min czyli jak wziąłeś misję w tym czasie to tracisz je bezpowrotnie. Sam tak miałem na 42 lvl :(

    to jest jaden z licznych bugów w grze nawet byl temat na forum ze czasami mozna widziec chat jakiegos party. Jesli ktos mialby dodac cie do gildii dostalbys wiadomosc bo nie moze nikt cie dodac bez twojej wiedzy :) najlepiej to ignorowac chcociaz nie wien Co byloby gdybys byl w gildii I mogl widziec chat innej na pewno bylby problem ale na razie nic z tym nie zrobisz.