Posts by MontyMinion


    I've found that when I took the quest for the level 9 time leap, I was to find Dakouka after beating Papa Sergeant. I beat him, but nothing happened or appeared after that. Is this a bug, or am I missing a detail?

    Hi everyone,

    I decided that I wanted to play DBO and know what was going on, so I tried to get the English patch made by GokUsama. I have an issue though: Every time I patch the game with it, and follow the instructions on the forum thread for it, I am stuck on the login screen. Once I enter my Username and Password, I'm immediately hit with a box saying "You disconnected from the server", and the game shuts down. It works just fine when I restore the game to it's original files though. How do I keep the english patch and play? I completely understand if there is no fix to this, and I'm happy to listen to anyone who can explain anything for me.

    Hi everyone!

    I'm Montyminion. I'm a fan of Dragonball, and I've always wanted to find an MMO for it (outside of Xenoverse. It's still a great game though). Sadly, I became a fan of Dragon Ball in 2015, way after DBO was shut down. Thankfully though, I'm happy to see this place!