Posts by Dragreon

    Whether the stones are in or not doesn't matter to me, you have to be 10 to use them. Then you have to do all the quest anyways for the skills, then you have no armor or weapons to actually fight level 32+ mobs. It's even hard to kill those mobs with 9k HP with shenron gear, so I don't see the big deal. I just want one legit reason as to why it shouldn't be added. Then you have clowns making their own "facts" up saying the stone only came after a long time and all this other random nonsense nobody asked. Just stop lying, that's all I want now lol. I'm done asking for an actual argument, but don't lie and try to play it cool.

    From what i have see in this thread, and for what i read too, theres no reason to remove the stones from the game really, and you need to play a bit too for you to get the stones in a email, and that time i was already lvl 20 or more i think xD so i was keeping the stone for another character.

    Boi out here roasting lol
    In the end guys, does it really matter?
    Sure, its cool to give suggestions, opinions and generally discuss, but fighting over it is meh.
    To be honest, this is still the same game, but better; we all have a say in how to improve what this game use to be and I can't wait for what the developers have planned for DBOG.
    This argument about a level stone (someone fill me in a bit more, its not totally clear, cba to go that far back into the thread) doesn't really matter, I don't see what would be wrong with using it :L

    Watch out Ishinato! This thread is going to become a DBZ fight xD i dont even know what is happening here anymore, but i agree with you, why fight because of a stone that make you go to lvl 33? Just give the damm stones to everyone and put in the cash shop too! Then everyone will be happy i guess.

    I didn't remember a lot either, but I've since did a lot of rewatching of it lol~ Good to see a game dedicated to it though!

    I only rewatch DBZ now by seeing Dragon Ball Z Abridged xD now i going to think that Piccolo was a Yoshi and that Gohan cant dodge nothing.

    Welcome back Aya xD good to see that a lot of people started to see Dragon Ball when they were a kid, i was only 5 when i saw DBZ and the classic Dragon Ball too, but for some reason i did not remembered Cell Saga, only Saiyan, Namek and Buu saga, strange right? Since Cell saga is one of the best! I hope to see you in game x3

    Ah the swordsman jacket is very cool x3 it would be awesome to have some set of armors as dogis, or we could have the option to only change what our character wear, without having to change armor and get weak, like in DC universe online that when you get armor, you can change the appearance of your character with any piece of armor that you got in the game so then you dont have to use a old set to look good.

    Wow! I go sleep a bit and now all this happend XD i still think that everyone need to get 1 or 2 stones, and put the damm stones in the cash shop too, lvl 33 is not a big thing and if everyone get stones too then no one need to complain, everyone knows that is boring to do all over again, but i was not getting bored because of nostalgia, since the last time i played DBO was in 2012, but if i need to play everthing again, i swear to kami, i going to cut someone in half like Trunks did with Freeza :D

    This is a somewhat decent idea, however it should be in the cash shop. Later on in the game, like in TW servers, maybe Daneos can gift everyone one lvl 33 stone to use for any character.

    It was in the cash shop on the TW servers? XD i never saw those stones on the cash shop, but if was in the original DBO before, why not put again? Still, everyone need to have the chance too to get the stones without spending money, and i will miss the time when the more you played, the more you could get nice items for free x3 but is okay, the only thing i want is play DBO like in the old days and buy the Trunks Dogi.

    Heh! I remember that when i played DBO, i got the stone that make you go lvl 33 XD but i did not used it, only on my other character later, but still, i did all the missions that were under my lvl. Now about putting this in the cash shop, this is a bad idea, just give those stones to everyone, 1 or 2, but just to a limited time like in the original DBO, because these stones really help if you want to make another character and put him on lvl 30 already because for me, at least, the game really start when you get in this lvl and do the adult quest.

    Muito bom esse guia... Sinto saudades de quando eu era um swordsman, soltar critico e dar um monte de dano que nem louco kkkkk e eu ainda tinha um set muito bom no estilo Saiyajin, que nem tinha mais no jogo depois de atualizações, foi substituído por outro set.

    May work alright for quest PvE stuff. The Burning Attack is one of the largest AOE attacks in the game. Wouldn't be effective running solo, but in a group, you could definitely have fun shooting ki blasts and blowing yourself up as a SM.

    Yeah, if i did not wanted to go PVP and stuff, i would totally use the Burning Attack and Big Bang Attack.

    As you can say, future Trunks! Because of his personality, his history, style, and the sword that he use, that get broken so many times that i stopped to count, and is probably going to get broken again in Dragon Ball Super (Still liked the old sword more, and the purple hair)

    Now if i had to pick a villain in Dragon Ball... I would say Vegeta from the Saiyan saga, that fight with Goku... I will never forget, and the saiyan saga was the best to me, don't ask me why because i think sometimes namek saga is the best one, but every time that i watch the first saga in Dragon Ball Z i feel something, probably nostalgia xD

    I totally agree with this, it would be great to have the master class before they fix the quests, and i think that many people agree because come on, nobody want to stay as a child and have the same boring skills XD especially if you are a human that is a martial artist, i only choose this race because of the super saiyan transformation and the swordsman class when i started to play DBO.

    You can turn in to a super saiyan as a child, if you are level 40 and have the super saiyan skill XD but the other way to do this is to buy a type of watch that make your character turn in to a child again if you already is a adult, but you cant do anything that i said now, they need to put the " real " dragon balls in the game, then you can ask shenlong the super saiyan transformation.

    If they are going to put the stones to buy in the cash shop, they need to put them in the token shop too (Not only those ones that are already in the token shop) so people that cant or dont want to buy cash have the chance to upgrade their armor, but i still think that is not ok to put things like that in the cash shop, because then the game turn in to a pay to win, and i know that they need to make money too xD

    Oh i forgot about this too XD thanks for the help, its been years since i played DBO, so i forgot some things about the game.