Posts by Ishinato

    That was a mean way to start a thread!

    Cheers for being informative lol ^-^

    I like the frame drops though...

    They give me enough time to make a sandwich, and brew some tea.

    I don't see the issue, but yeah things get laggy, this reminds me of a song... NOBODIES PERFECT, YOU LIVE AND YOU LEARN IT!

    Maybe its due to everyone trying to enter at once or something like that?

    The game has a whole lot of issues, mostly server related at this point. Bugs Bugs Bugs Bugs Bugs, fixing these must be a drag

    So someone could potentially high-jack our characters, and most likely steal our Zeni or items?!

    Not everyone is nice, and thanks for making this thread, really need to fix this.

    Not a day goes by for Daneos where another issue pops up distracting him from completing the game. Game development is a struggle..

    daneos could you plzz lower the prize to repair armor it is sooo expensive

    Reduce "price" for armour repair?

    Its not all too expensive, and like arubaru said, there has to be a price for something like dying.

    Grind for money, and/or sell unnecessary items, its unrealistic that Daneos will look into changing prices for armour repair because of 1 person, or anyone really

    I hate the direction DBS is going in, yes it is new to DBZ, but it lacks in the spark DBZ had.

    DBS character designs aren't doing so good, especially with transformation designs. I like SPECIFIC new characters like Whis & Beerus, but others like the King of Everything (DBS "God") is trash.

    Im probably being very critical about this series, but honestly, with the bad writing of this series, it will never surpass DBZ (whether its aiming for that or not), and its having a hard time even surpassing GT for some people.

    All Im saying is that the story feels lazy and slightly broken, and all too predictable. Its really looking like Goku is gonna press the button since CLEARLY no one is strong enough to beat Black, and no their cannot be fusion since Vegeta is practically "Mission failed, we'll get em' next time" lmao

    There always has to be a time, we can have items just being kept there flooding, could cause Auction house problems.

    But I would prefer 48 hours, or at least 36 hours, 24 hours feels/seems short.

    Yeah we are all getting one shot killed in the arena or duels. plus my needles does the same dmg to every singe player which made me certain that defense is absolutely not working xD.And yeah, unfortunately server stability is more important atm. But i recommend to fix defense before adding UD cuz we will get our butts screwed inside UD without defense. XD

    Bruh... Just realised that

    Whats the point of finishing off UD without doing defence first o.o

    I guess he could finish UD and work on stats before releasing anything, another big update ;)

    I was wondering why I keep getting my butt-kicked, even when my regular defence (CON) is average

    It would be great if he could look at fixing more stats, but now the servers are being ass, so now that is going to take more of his time sadly.

    Soo what your saying is this is like a server cycle or an unofficial down time or something along those lines? DAMN --,-- I just started playing too

    Not the best welcome lol sorry about that
    Servers have been having bugs (mostly ever since a big update)

    Daneos is just testing servers and trying to host the game on the most stable, might take awhile. (Dunno why there is downtime now though)

    I was wondering the same thing, tried searching the forum but nothing that connects to this.
    Servers where fine like an hour ago, maybe we're going to have to move to totally new servers, dunno