Posts by Ishinato

    Hi there, nice to meet ya!

    Ya can call me Leo
    I can tell you're new to the forum, have you been playing the game long?
    Im looking forward to playing with you in-game, if you wanna talk about anything, Im up for it.

    Overall, enjoy your time here ^-^

    Hi there, Im not moderator or anything but I will try and help with what little I know!

    1. Are you sure you entered or the right details for your account?

    2. Make sure no firewalls, or anything that stops you from accessing the online platform is blocking your computer. (You usually get a firewall prompt asking for authorisation).

    3. Did you download the newest game download, I downloaded the torrent and used Utorrent to do the rest. You're installation could be missing files which could be a thing (possibly).

    I don't think there are any region blocks (obviously I could be wrong) but yeah there ya go. Just wanted to give you a reply, its not good to leave someone hanging for as long as you've been waiting to play the game.

    I was just playing DBO for a while and when I got close to Tai for the quest, the entire screen glitched out and looks like sky, and my character can't be seen! I tried closing and opening it back up twice, but it didn't fix it..What do I do!? I was exp farming. ):

    This happens usually from right-clicking a target to auto run towards the target from a far distance which triggers the glitch (could possibly happen in a different way not sure), but some people get out of it by waiting or jumping, I think it depends on the actual area it happens in.

    Best way is to type @unstack OR use the Popo teleport skill.
    Logging out, restarting the game, or switching servers does not fix the problem because the game loads you character as a save state, you'll just reappear the exact same as you left.

    Hope this info helps yah

    Hi there, just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I may have made one of these way back when I started, but it's been months and months since I've been around so thought I should and hopefully find some friends ^^

    A little about me, let's see, you can call me Serey or Aya, most people go with Aya .-. I've been watching Dragonball, DBZ, since I was reallllllly little, think it was the first anime I ever watched. I love most animes, and I certainly love to talk about them. I'm also a big Flash/Arrow/SHIELD/Gotham fan. Anddddd I love cheese, fuzzy things, turtles, tennis, drawing, arts and graphic design :D

    That's about it, if you wanna chat or ask me a question you can feel free to. <3

    Hi there, and welcome!
    I would love to add you in-game (IGN: Ishinato)
    I'll call ya Aya then, call me Leo!
    And you do have great tastes in shows, to be honest I re-watched dragonball twice and dragonball Z three times (I was really bored mang)

    Do you like One Piece? Its now my top favourite, I hated it because of the art style but finally looked past that and started watching 2 years ago, and Im so HOOKED with the story and myths, its SOOO good!

    I don't mind talking whenever, I get bored in-game and on the forum most of the time so looking for people to chat with ^-^


    I basically live off memes (SAD yes).
    But since this is a big community, lets share some memes (either stolen or self made)
    Find some super funny ones, not only DBZ related but just pure cancerous memes that you would see off of Filthy Frank (GIF included). I'll start:

    (Lets laugh together guys) ;):D:thumbsup:

    Mob grinding kills when levelling. Just gotta depend on Quests, but when your quest involves beating down countless enemies that do you no wrong, but someone told you to go kill a bunch of animals minding their own business, its best to use EXP boosts before murderously destroying your enemies.

    Its pretty fun actually

    Jumping or waiting hardly works sometimes, just teleport with a Popo stone or @unstack
    Try to avoid quick/auto attacking (clicking enemies with right click), you can still do this, just not very often or from FAR distances.

    Who is enjoying Re: Zero -Starting life in a new world?
    Its so good man, I'm loving the hell out of it, waiting for each Ep is frustrating though.
    I might just wait for all the rest to come out at this point, but don't want to run into spoilers.

    What happened was, in short, attacked an enemy from a distance, as my character and the enemy ran up to each other, the terrain just suddenly unloaded.

    • I could no longer see my character model
    • The terrain was just gone
    • I could not interact with enemies or villagers

    I don't have video, which would have been better, but I can provide images.

    The image of the map just shows where it happened vaguely, I attacked a wolf, just under all the dark patches.

    I tried re-logging, didn't work, the glitch was the same.
    So then I tried closing and reopening the entire game, but the same result.
    I'm just guessing this all happened by chance, doesn't look like a re-doable glitch, nevertheless I don't know how to undo it.

    SO basically, I got robbed (Unknowingly)

    For new people and just people collecting the dragon balls in-game, be aware of your "wish".

    When you collect all the dragon balls, you take them to the alter and summon Shenron obviously, but unlike the old "Dragon Ball Online", you don't exactly get to keep the dragon balls if you don't make a wish (I wanted to unsummon Shenron and wait for more wishes to come out, which ultimately was my mistake).

    So yeah, a lot already know but I'm just putting that out there, you summon Shenron, you gotta make a wish or your dragon balls disappear.

    (Lowkey Highkey, Moderator mail me that wish gift, didn't know I would lose the dragon balls, took way too long to collect!) ;)

    P.S Could a notice message just be added warning players before they randomly summon! :whistling: