Posts by macdaddymario

    Yep, it's a thing. I've even go as far as to relog 6 times. Every time, Ox is back, but every time I kill him and the quest doesn't progress. However I still get the forfeit message about the Chi Chi quest upon leaving the TLQ area.

    It shouldn't affect it, but this is a level 22 character that was around prior to the TLQ's being introduced. However I was able to complete the first TLQ without issue.

    *EDIT* And now an hour, and 20 attempts at relogging later, it has progressed. So something is for sure screwy.

    Gonna go ahead and add the "The Secret of Dragon Mountain" quest as being broken. Currently trying to run that, went in with my character and fought the Ox King, killed him and no dialog. Nothing. I dropped the quest and started it back up, went in and the Ox King is still dead.

    R.I.P. me and Ox King. :(

    And I agree that it depends on the company 100%. I just didn't want the theoretical possibility to happen, and everyone think they couldn't.

    My post wasn't intended to imply that they would shut it down, and I appreciate that you understood that. I just wanted to get everyone on the same page so far as the law itself was concerned :)

    Well, as someone who does know law, the models and assets used in DBOG, were made by NTL, and Bandai owns the rights to that. There is no 'grey area' on this matter.

    Bandai/Toei Animation/Bird Studios have shut down other DBZ based games before, which used all of their own hand made models and textures. It was called "Bid for Power". They decided to start taking donations and were promptly sent a C&D.

    On the note of WoW private servers, that's not true at all. In fact, within the last year, the most popular WoW private server was hit with a C&D, and they didn't have a 'cash shop' of any kind.

    The fact is, if this project is brought to the attention of Bandai (who owns legal, worldwide distribution rights to Dragon Ball related games), Bird Studios and/or Toei Animation; since the assets used in DBOG were not hand made from scratch, and there is in fact, a cash shop for real money.. All of those studios are well within their legal rights to shut the project down.

    Even if the cash shop wasn't a thing, all they need to claim in court is that they are " Protecting the interest of shareholders and the name of the I.P.". Since they own the I.P. (intellectual property), and they did not OK the project, nor are they receiving a kick back from the cash shop, the court has no choice but to find in their favor.

    This is of course all theoretical. There is nothing to say the legal owners of the copyright will file, but there is also nothing to say they won't. Just noting that if they did, they have the legal right and grounds to do so.

    That was a good one as well. Only reason it didn't make top 5, is because the only way to damage the enemy was to hit them with the "super" attack 3 times to kill them.

    Seeing the polygon spirit bomb once or twice every few fights is awesome. Hitting Freeza with it 3 times in one fight.. Not so much.

    It did allow you to alter the story, but that had been done since the SNES games at least, so the novelty of that had personally worn of on me by that point.

    Totally a fun one back in the day, and not trying to take that away from it. I was just already on my way in to High School by the time it came out.

    @mrz I know the spot you're talking about, lol. The maze in the cave on Namek, with the switches you had to press is what got me as a kid. Wasn't had enough of was in all Japanese, but my cousin (who was stationed in Japan at the time, would send me that years Super Famicom DBZ game as a birthday gift) didn't send with it any translated instructions for that stupid maze.

    To this day, when I replay that game, I have horrible flashbacks >.<

    Welcome to the discussion :). I made note of the original cast being referenced because the Japanese culture is very different, and many of the cast have more years behind them than they have ahead of them.

    If Nozawa were to pass for example (she's, going to be 80 next month... DON'T. YOU. DARE. 2016.).. Odds are they won't be recasting the character. Like when Tenshinhan's actor passed, Toriyama basically doesn't do anything with the character anymore.

    So to give it a fresh cast and reference the old, would allow the series to continue on.

    But has any one tried the RPG game for SNES. i think the name is ''Super saiya Densetsu'' or something like that.

    Way way way late on this one, but that was it's name. Translates to "Legend of the Super Saiyan". Happens to be number 1 on my list. RPGs lend themselves to the idea of the series, power levels being character levels. Which is how that worked, you leveled up but it was your BP that mattered.

    It was basically a combination of the first.. 3(?) Famicom (NES) games. Had a bunch of great things going for it, including the ability to zenkai the Saiyan characters. Drop Goku's health to under 5hp and use a full heal, and he would level up during the battle.

    Also one of the first games to let you alter the story. When Goku was training on King Kai's planet, if you succeeded every training session on the first try, Goku would show up on Earth before Vegeta and Nappa. You could use that to bring Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Chaozu with you to Namek.

    Then sacrifice Chaozu while fighting Freeza, and get SSJ that way. Keep Vegeta alive during that fight and get a secret Boss fight after Freeza against a SSJ Vegeta with more BP than Goku. Tons of other things you could do to alter the story as well.

    List goes:
    1. Legend of the Super Saiyan
    2. Earth's Special Forces
    *cough* our latest trailer *cough, cough*

    3. DBO (we'll see if Global is truly f2p friendly before I claim DBOG is on the list)
    4. Xenoverse
    5. Budokai 3

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    Those are listed recommended specs for basically using the UE4.

    Feel it for developers when you learn that you need to build a rig more powerful than those specs that runs about $2,400.. and that's a low end UE4 development PC.

    I've grown up with it myself, but if Super continues past the end of Z it'll totally remove any shred of canon that DBO has, and thus make Miira and Towa both uncanon, in the way we know them.

    The fan base seems split, many think the characters are hitting a point of "OK, enough is enough" and to a degree, I have to say they are right. At this point, the only characters that can do anything are Goku and Vegeta. Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Trunks.. Even Gohan are now just there and exist with the sole purpose to give Goku and Vegeta something to fight for.

    Many other fans have the hard time separating themselves from the characters, to allow a DBO based story to happen for the series, which is fair. 30 years is a long time with the same cast. The change could end up making all the lead cast (for that new story) relevant again.

    It's not unlike we can't love whatever new cast would come up, they didn't talk at all and some people love the characters from the DBO intro videos. Of course with it taking place in the Future, Trunks would still show up from time to time as Time Patrol Trunks, and the original cast would be referenced all the time. I mean, they are a big part of the reason the DBO player characters are fighters to begin with.

    Not trying to change your opinion, just speaking mine. <3

    I like them both, but if Super wants to, it can totally get rid of the canon from DBO.. At the same time, it could lead in to it and we could actually see an adventure with Towa and Mirra as the protagonists.

    Which is why I've been dreading Super.. I really, really want it to cement the DBO canon. It'll let Toriyama pass the reins on to another writer, and that writer will have a familiar world, and a chance to come up with some fresh characters and adventures.