Posts by KizzyDog

    No way something can disappear just like that. You maybe did something with it or trashed it maybe accidentally. There is no third option. Maybe you lie? Bugs happends, but none of us got stuff deleted or disappeared like that. There was stuff deleted from AH but thats smth else.

    I'm kinda confused as to why you keep commenting on these bugs people are experiencing and you keep accusing them of lying, acting as if bugs don't exist and it must be user error 100% of the time.

    We're in a pre-beta, bugs obviously exist.

    guys, here is a weird story..

    a friend of mine who doesn't know anything att all about these bugs.. he was dueling someone on the green ground near plat and there was other ppl around him and suddenly when he applied super kamehameha to kill his opponent.. he killed him with other 4 ppl around him.

    so idk.. maybe it is the skill which is bugged or maybe he abused the bug without he even realize.

    I guarantee you these people know what they're doing. They aren't making the same "mistake" over and over and over and over again.

    Like I said bro, I'm ready XD Woke up at 3 pm so I'm more than awake and prepared to wait.
    Plus, I plan to do all the broken quests first, so I won't be dealing with the MC scramble, lol.

    EDIT: I heard about No Man's Sky. How good is it?

    It's not very good at all. Insanely repetitive, tons of features missing, (*cough* multiplayer *cough*) lots of bugs and crashes, and as many have said in regards to the game: "As wide as an ocean, with the depth of a puddle"

    Here's a great review that showcases what's wrong with the game:

    WOW is an active game that makes them a lot of money and DBO is a dead game that doesnt give them anything the only possibilty for it to be a problem is if either they have a big ego or they see DBOG as a threat to games like xenoverse and such and if they do i will with all my heart protest and find a way to change it cause i love this game.

    You're not looking at it from a business perspective. Someone is using YOUR product, and making money off of it. The only way this would be legal and Bandai wouldn't be allowed to do jack squat is if everything server side was coded by DBO Global, since everything client side is legally obtainable by the consumer. Whether or not the product is still active doesn't matter.


    You already can do the makankosappo (special beam cannon)

    I'm confused as to what exactly you're asking.

    I think the chances of bandai actually snatching DBO back are really low. Considering how big DBO was when the servers we're shutdown 3-4 years ago, don't you think the fact that it was being brought back by some german guy would've eventually reached bandai's ears? To be honest I think they really don't care and are fully aware of DBO's revival considering how big a hit Xenoverse was and the fact that they'll most likely be cashing in on the upcoming sequel. If bandai really cared they would've shut things down while we we're still in alpha.

    Nostalrius was a vanilla World of Warcraft server that was IMMENSELY popular. It went on for years. Then, last year, Blizzard finally shut them down.

    Just because your project isn't immediately shut down doesn't mean that you're out of the clear. It's woefully optimistic to assume that they don't care about DBO anymore because they have a new game. Bandai is still a business and I doubt any good business would willingly let someone else use their product for free, regardless of if it's still a supported product or not, and let that person make money off of it.