Posts by SongokuHun

    Hi i wanted to tell you my next idea for fun again:) and i want to see the reactions too what you guys think about this , but i don't know its easy for daneos or not:) so what you think about if we can search in the auction house like i want 22% attack speed i type 22 and choose attack speed next you will see only the attack speed weapons or 19-22 if you type this , so we don't need to check 100 page or 30 page to get your items what you want.

    Hi sorry for my english i will try to tell you this idea somehow for fun and i want to see the reactions:) So i was thinking about to sell like 40 white items to npc at the same time.
    and you don't need to click on the items just 1 times and all white item will be sold, what you think about this idea its useless? and its hard to code this for daenos?