Posts by Aru

    I guess you are talking about ticket upgrades. They are disabled from the game as it was considered a p2w item in the endgame (buying tickets for good upgrades wasn't that expensive and you could have all your gear upgraded for nothing, instead of using stones).

    So yeah, it's normal, they don't work, so you might throw em away. Sorry :c

    Surprised you had no answers. If you want pure pve then go DW. SK can tank pretty well but DW has some nice skills and has some major def (although it doesn't work atm).

    However, I personally liked the versatily of my SK back in TW, they were also OP af. If you were the DPS guy and you want something hybrid I suggest SK then because of the massive bleed you can go for, it's ridiculous.

    It was my alt so I don't remember my builds back in the day but I agree with the overall feel of the builds you can find in kidunseen thread "Universal Builds"

    Universal Builds

    I said general-ish stuff but this might work as a bump for a real dw/sk specialist to speak up :D

    There has to be a risk involved and something to lose whenever we die apart from going to our popo stone. It is part of the gameplay and a challenge to play strategically and wiser! I die a lot, so I need to improve that too hahaha

    First, you don't need to use that language. Ask politely, please.

    Second, as a user of this forum, you should know there is a plethora of information over here.

    It was stated before by Daneos and many forum users that you can reset your skill points at the npc no matter what level you are, only if you haven't pick a masterclass. As far as I can see, you already have done this. So I regret to inform you that you'll have to use sp reset books to do so.

    However, rest assure that you still have 40 points to earn and use wisely from now on, so have fun!

    Everyone wants the update. I am quite sure Daneos wants to update the game too.

    However, and this is the most important part of everything discussed IMHO:

    He is on his own, has other activities and still manages to get in the forums to answer what he can.

    Imagine how it would be:

    - if you are still in school, to have all your courses at the same time and all the teachers asking you at different times through the internet if you already did your homework or if you already studied for the next exam.

    - if you have a job, to be in charge of all the steps of whatever the company produces or offers. Imagine you sell chocolates, you'll have to make em, pack em, sell em and a lot of other tasks at the same time. All this having people overseeing your work at all times.

    You can give your opinion, but remember that you are in a forum. The members that disagree with the whole "give us the update now!!" vibe are giving arguments on how an mmo is a complex game to develop (even though it is a revival) and how a pre-open beta works. Those who are really impatient just talk with should's and have's. Some of you want him to give a date, but sincerely I think that would be even worst: a solo work of this kind can and will be delayed not only because of developing problems, but also because of real life.

    The fact that some people disagree with your need to give your opinion in such a way doesn't mean they don't share some of the feelings that you have right now :D Don't calm down if you don't feel like, but I wholeheartedly suggest you to evaluate how does this contribute to the forum discussion.

    Oi Hodar,

    os atributos mais importantes para o espiritualista e o turtle é a CON e FOC (em um terceiro lugar sería ENG como falou o suya22).

    CON vai aumentar essencialmente a sua vida (LP): essa classe sobrevive com life points e nao esquivando como os fighter. Tem que pegar CON na armor.

    FOC vai ajudar com a precisao dos seus ataques: o hitrate vai aumentar. Assim, com mais FOC (focus), é mais provável de atingir os mobs ou os enemigos.

    Nas armas tem duas opçoes: a opçao classica é pegar sempre o dano critico energetico. Essa pode ser usada no PVP e tambem no PVE. A segunda opçao é pegar speed, para fazer dano com o dps do ataque basico.

    Entao acho que o essencial seria o seguinte:

    jaqueta [PvE] : CON
    jaqueta [PvP] : FOC
    calças [PvE] : CON
    calças [PvP] : CON ou FOC.
    botas [PvE] : CON com um pouco de DEX se puder
    botas [PvP] : CON

    Luvas: e crit
    varinha: e crit

    speed para PVE em ambas

    Vai ser mais facil e completo se voce puder ler esse post em ingles:
    Turtle Guide.

    Pode mandar mensagem se precisar de mais alguma coisa.

    Cool, but I'd say it's a suggestion ahead of its time. There are other things to implement or to improve that are more feasible.

    But then that makes it harder to find good gear you can use, and it's not like you can't sell that either

    Good gear isn't supposed to be easy to get. The Auction house is another way to interact in the mmo world. You sell to buy other items you want or need. If you only could get race specific gear then the auction house would have a low amount of namek and majin gear, as the majority of players pick human. This will have a negative impact on future majin or namek players: the scarcity of items will make the price go up, thus making it even harder for them to get good gear. We want diversity and having drops from all races is needed as far as I am concerned.