Posts by Cell55

    I got few questions about this game

    Hey guys, i have few questions about this game

    1. Can you buy gold ingame using mobile phone from europe
    2. Are there items or gear that you can buy with real money from game shop
    3. Is this game pay for win or you can be high rank in pvp without top up any money in this game
    4. Who wins,player who grind alot for money and items vs gold buyers and is there alot of grind in this game
    5. When will OPEN BETA OF THIS GAME START, i mean when accounts will not be deleted anymore
    6. Which is the best race and class for pvp and why
    7. Are there dungeons and bossess and can you solo it or need party and how much people is max
    8. Will this game have any new updates and stuffs compared to korean version
    9. Is this game in english,i mean story, quests, items, etc...

    Ty for answers in advance :thumbsup: