Posts by Flub

    Like i said in the other post you need to get the adult item from the korin box to startthe adult Qeust u probably havent started that

    Hey look at my tag it has the flight Q explain .. also u need to have to be adult and have sub-class done before u can start the lvl 30 flight quest.

    To become an adult u need a item that drops from korin boxes the ones that have 3k hp all over korin map. second u need to finish a Q next to korin tower that allows you to teleport up the korin tower.

    You can craft lvl 60--70 legendary Armor/Weapons/Accessory's.

    Mighty Majins (all sub-classes) gets -- low P.def and High E.def

    Wonder Majins (all sub-classes) gets -- High P.def and Low E.def

    Spiritualists (all sub-classes) gets -- low P.def and High E.def

    Martial Artist (all sub-classes) gets -- High P.def and Low E.def

    Warrior (all sub-classes) gets -- Medium/High P.def and Medium/Low E.def

    Dragon Clan (all sub-classes) gets -- Medium/low P.def and Medium/High E.def

    Available recipes:

    NOTE: (lvl55 = 100% RARE, lvl60 = 100% Legendary, lvl70 = Legendary 80% & Rare 20%)

    Crafting levels for the Gear:

    Armor: 55, 60, 70

    Gloves: 55, 60, 70

    Sub-weapons: 60, 70

    Necklace: 55, 60

    Rings: 55, 60

    Earrings: 55, 60

    You can craft or buy the lvl 55 stuff ,, but lvl 60 -- 70 stuff u need to get the recipe and can only craft them!!

    Some Examples for the Spiritualist stuff

    Hello this happens too a few friends of mine they install mods (ssgss) or language packs and whenever the game updates the files you modified get screwed up and so some graphic glitches appear.


    - Reinstall your game. (Resets your files)

    - You can try and reinstall the mods or language patches(most recent one that works with updates) or just play with them if u dont want to download the game again!

    reason this happens not all files you modify get reset when the game updates so it gets screwed up.

    the only way to sell stuff under lvl 30 is the shop u use from the emote area if that you are thinking about other than that you need to be level 30 the only other thing you can do below 30 is use TRADE

    la única forma de vender cosas en lvl 30 es la tienda que utilizas desde el área de emoticones si estás pensando en otra cosa que no sea que necesitas estar en el nivel 30, la única otra cosa que puedes hacer por debajo de 30 es utilizar el COMERCIO!!

    U all cranes or turtles as always. This quick attack is one of the main things to swordsman and fighter. Dbog team should make quick attack not like dash att but like flash. Why it shouldnt be dash skill? Cuz its only 28m attack and yall cranes and turtles complain even about that? For real? So pls Dbog team im asking u to make quick attack not a dash skill cuz rn its impposible to beat exp crane. If SM or fighters wins vs crane every1 says: bug win :/ have a nice day

    My friend if you notice when you use quick attack you are dashing towards the target you are not teleporting to them! therefore it's a dash attack when you also notice SW skill FLASH actually teleports you behind the target, so don't say that Quick attack is not a dash ... because that what you do you are dashing into a target and stunning them!!!

    for every 5 levels of crafting u upgrade yourself meaning now u have reach level 15 u need to craft gear of level 30 to get exp to level up .. u cann0t keep crafting lvl 10 or lower anymore gives you no more exp.

    That is a world event when you reach lvl 41 it poops up bot right corner boss symbol (click on it to activate) .. everytime you kill a mob you have a 10% chance to spawn a Evil Majin.
    - Slim majin female lvl 40 - 50
    - Fat majin male lvl 50+
    You have to kill 30 of them like the Quest says, when you are done . You will see the boss percentage if you pass your mouse over the boss emblem, When it reaches 100% bosses sapwn in yellow map --Mushroom Rocks (North))-- > The quest to kill slim majin will be dilivered here (After killing one of the bosses).
    Red map -- Mushroom Rocks (South) -- >The quest to kill fat majin will be dilivered here (After killing one of the bosses).
    Once you kill the boss you will need alot of people because they got a 1million + HP a robot called HOPE-02 will spawn and there you can deliver your Quest for eitheir a EXP boost or Gold Coin like the Quest says.
    Gold coin and Silver Coins(dropped by killing the majins once in a while) will then be used on the same robot HOPE-02 to get titles which give your character stat upgrades according to which one you select.

    Here are the titles: Titles

    If you would sell white stones for 1kk. All server would have +15 gear. Plus no one will have zeni at the start for like few months. Everyone will be grinding to get zeni. And by the time someone will try smth, all of them should be equal. There are people who can get zeni without any cash shop items or smth like that. And I think you posted this thread cuz you cant afford dogi currently.

    first of all i dont do this because i cant afford dogi i made this because the prices will get out of hand.
    second i said examples not that white stones should be at 1kk u made them higher or lower but make a fixed price thanks for go over the all point ....

    The prices only go up because people get greedy and people actually buy the raised prices. The prices will stay higher if people continue to buy hen people put stuff in there being greedy.

    exactly if u make a fixed price people cant abuse the system.

    Hey guys i think we have a real problem here with the sellable items from Cash Shop in AH!
    Why you say well each and everyday the prices go up and up and this is show us that indeed when the reset happens they will go back down but the problem is this will happen again.

    Why is this a problem?
    Well in essence selling Cash Shop in AH is P2W!! Why do you say that?
    Consider this you pay real money for and item and then sell it for a huge amount Zeni at AH in essence this means that you are trading real money for zeni. Which for many people is consider a P2W because you are getting a huge advance with money over other players.
    Now I am not saying not to selling this things its your decision to do it but maybe limits how much of an advantage a players has over others.

    A possible solution to this is.
    Limit the amount of zeni gainned from selling this items.
    Make it so that white stones cant be sold for more than 1kk, a dogi cant be sold for more than 25kk or 30kk, vehicle dogi for 20kk.Auto-pots for 2kk ... and so on!(this are just examples!!!)

    This in my opinion will make it so that a new player will not be outmatches by a player that has spend real money and then got a huge amount of zeni for it in AH only to get better gear over a player doesnt or can't spend money on a game .. making for a more balanced experience at the same time.