Posts by AgentJeffy

    @xHotPockets I have already created another thread trying to describe a sound issue that I have experienced that can be linked to the game. This is not the only topic I have so please don't attack me simply because you don't like the fact that I have a different opinion than you.

    @Kaioshin Vall At this point bud, I really don't care to listen to what you have to say. Since the first time you started posting in this thread you have done nothing but be condescending and aggressive. You contradict yourself and honestly don't have any valuable input to the conversation. The bottom line is there is a poll. And the majority of people have concluded that a AFK-Kick is valid. Not to mention if you look through the posts on this thread you'll notice that more UNIQUE members have come to express their appreciation for a AFK-Kick system. Meanwhile it seems to be the same few people defending not having one (and as a side note the majority of them have been super hostile as yourself).

    At the end of the day I think the content of your posts truly shows the value of your input. And that goes for all the other people on here that have been hostile. And since the poll opened Yes has been in the lead because it's common sense to leave the server open to people that would be able to even notice bugs. Not AFK shops and people who are just staying logged in to collect the Tokens.

    My lies? You obviously don't understand how an open beta works. The players that are ACTIVELY playing and debugging things can still debug the same exact things AFK players can AND MORE. So you're entire argument started off on a stupid ideology.

    And you obviously have not read the entire thread before putting your "opinion" out there (which seemed more condescending than anything else).

    Had you read it you'd know that I had been in the server the entire time I was posting and was saying this to show my distaste for an issue that could be resolved and would benefit the server.

    I completely understand the concept that the in game shops are a part of the game. However they are not the biggest thing to address right now. Bugs in the combat system, quests and other items are more vital to overall gameplay, so please don't use that as the basis for your argument again because it's not a good one.

    And finally it is YOU and the people that have clicked NO that don't understand the reason of a Pre-Open Beta. To debug the game, and in order to debug the game you need ACTIVE players. Not people sitting AFK "testing" a system that we have already determined to be functional.

    Regarding the people addressing my new account here on the forums. Be informed, I have been a member of Dragonball Online Revelations for years awaiting the re-release of this game. Had I know about this particular project site as well I would have been a member here too. The fact that I made the account today to address the AFK-Kick system means I am actively participating in the debugging side of the game. By making a suggestion that (as a developer myself mind you) I feel would benefit the project moving forward. And not just the people who want to AFK play.

    bro you don't even know what your talking about, but I need to get my shit together??? Both of you are just mad asf you can't get into the game right now amirite?

    Broski. I'm in the server right now. Nice try though.

    Why is it a problem if someone is AFK? It's not League of Legends...Here it doesn't matter if u are AFK...AND ALSO There aren't that much AFKers that it would affect the server's work...Honestly...I can count all the AFKers I've seen so far on 5fingers...

    And AFK includes shops and people just standing there for a long period of time. Not doing anything. I doubt you've really been paying it much attention. But look now. It is a real problem.

    He doesn't get it @.Bilal.102

    During a Beta there are always issues with servers. So if we're going to have issues AND a VERY high server load (because of how many people want to actually PLAY) then we NEED to have a way to keep server load down at all times. Because even when the server had all the channels up they would get CLOSE to maximum capacity.

    Those guys have no idea what they're talking about.

    The problem is the game is in BETA. Which means that in order to develop it you will have a lot of times where server resources will be limited. To keep players actively playing an auto AFK-Kick should be implemented. I'm thinking about now AND later on in the future. You are simply defending the right to keep active players off the server and AFK Farmers online.

    exactly this the other channels are down and when there up there not even nearly full.

    You don't even get the point he's trying to make. He's saying when all other channels are open they're all nearly full, but now there's only 1 channel open and it's a waste of time to only have 1 open because IT will be full too.

    Thus an Auto Kick. Free up some space for active players.

    last night the other channels went down then the whole server went down and came back up this morning, it hasn't been only 1 channel for the last couple days, like I said before just wait for daneos to fix it whenever he get on.

    It has been a full 24 hours at this point. And the problem is occurrences like this will happen A LOT during beta.

    Do you know the point behind an OPEN beta? So players can discover issues within the game and report them.

    You're not going to find errors AFK I can assure you. It serves no purpose and pisses off the players that are active.

    That serve this system now? only public this there is only 1 channel online? know that when all channels are either completely filled. therefore I see a waste of time.

    Sorry for my bad english

    You see @adrian on fire and @vegitoxgogeta server downtime for ACTIVE players is discouraging and will cause more problems in the long run. It's a better idea to kick members that are AFK shops or just AFK for more than 30 min standing there in game.

    I'm saying moving forward. You guys don't understand apparently how beta works lol. There are going to be TONS of times where this happens. And to keep the players who aren't inactive online it is best to keep the server load to a minimum so people can play. This will allow more people to debug the game and will also keep the user base well educated on the different aspects of the game.

    because it was design to keep player log in ...

    I think being able to ACTUALLY play when you want to play is more of a design to keep player log in. We have more than enough active players wanting to play. We don't have the room for AFK players until we get everything stable. What's more discouraging to a new game: not being able to play when you want to actually PLAY, or not being able to AFK sell?

    It's really simple when you think about it.

    Exactly. And to the people voting No. I am not proposing an INDEFINITE AFK kick system. Just while the game is in development and we have times where there is just 1 channel to use. Seems rather unfair to take up someone elses play time when you are just getting cash.

    Okay, so perhaps this is a little mean to AFK players but the server IS in development.

    There has been a LOT of issues with joining a channel due to the other channels being down. But what is the most aggravating is when you do finally join in you see there are tons of AFK people with; you guessed it. Shops.

    I saw this happen on Ragnarok, people would sign on and take up server resources simply to set up a shop to make in game money.

    This wouldn't really be an issue if the game was in full release, but because we're in beta and we have had only 1 channel the past few days I think this auto AFK kick is rather important. At least until the game is going to have more channels open all the time. Just a suggestion.
