ok thanks dude. appreciate your suggestions.
Posts by Maver
So im finally 60 and i want to get my gear together. so my question is what stats should i aim for my karma. ive read some older posts so im not sure if they still hold up to the current game, but here is what i found:
for Pve:
Jacket: con /or/ %lp
Pants: con /or/ %lp
shoes: movement speed /or/ Con
weapon and sub: atk speed (for CC) /or/ foc gloves and %e.crit damage increase mask
for PVP:
Jacket: foc
Pants: foc
Shoes: Con
Gloves: FOc
Mask: Hitrate
does this sound about right?? happy for any suggestions.
Same here. ive found this one: http://dbocom.com/tools/skill-…310000155575005100564010/
But i dont know if its for pvp or pve or if its viable at all.
Hey all. im looking for a pve karma build. ive found this one in the forum: http://dbocom.com/tools/skill-…310000155575005100564010/
now i dont know if this is a good pve or pvp build or if this is a viable build at all?? Im interested in your thoughts ;D
I still have a problem with this quest. i can find the main artillery troop (the big vehicle thing) but the guards who are suppossed to follow this main unit are missing. tried switching channels. still the same. is this a new bug?? beacause i think i can remember that this quest did work some time ago.
or did i mess up with the english patch??
Hey. got a little question for you guys. so im lvl 25 and i got 7 dragonballs from the last event. i ´wanted to get ssj but im to low lvl. i dont know if i should safe them until i get the right level or if i should spend them, because i dont know what else i can get from shenron at this point. also when i got 7 db in my inventory can i farm more?? or can i out them in the bank and then farm more, or do i have to spend my 7 to be able to farm new ones?? TY:)
hi, so i noticed that when i try to search for items in the auction house that i already got in my inventory i can click on them in my inventory and the name copy pastes itself in the auction search bar. but when i press search it didnt find any items because in the auction house the item names are still not in english. so even tho there is that item in the auction house you cant search for it by name beaucse in my inventory its in english and in the ah its not.
anybody know how to fix that, or do i have to life with it for now?? TY:) -
hi i dont know if i just caught a bad day but when i entered ranked matches it was kinda buggy. i was able to attack my opponent but he didnt take any damage. happened twice in a row, but on the same day tho.
another thing i noticed is when i cast a slow spell on mobs they dont realy slow down. i mean the modle is as fast as ever and thats what i see, but the actual mob is slowed down. so when i kill a mob thats already on me the loot spawns further in the back, so i guess it is slowed down by my spell just the model isnt?? dunno if thats the case for me. -
Im Human gebiet gibts eine quest mit einem "practice tree". weiß nicht ob die buggy ist oder ob ich nicht kapier was ich da machen soll. Bei dieser Quest soll man honig bekommen indem man die bienen farmt die anscheinend spawnen sollen.
#Update: Yep funzt. wie cyperon sagt. einfach doppel rechtsklick!!!
ok danke
weiß man den schon wan die richitge betaphase losgeht?? oder startet sie mit dem update morgen?? -
Hey ich hab mal kurz ne frage zu den Sprachen.
wen ich den patcher aufrufe kan ich da ja die sprache einstellen. ist das alles was machen machen sollte um das spiel auf englisch zu spielen?? hab hier gelesen das man eine datei downladen soll und die dan in seinen install ordner verschieben soll. habs mal versucht, aber hat bei mir alles nur noch schlimmer gemacht mit den übersetzungen
Jo, hab auch durch zufall das game wiederentdeckt nachdem es down gegangen ist. war früher auch in der guild. so wie ich das verstehe muss man aber nen komplett neuen account machen, da das hier auch neue server undso sind oder?? hab mich da noch nicht wirklich reingelesen, aber wollte mich hier schonmal melden