Posts by coldblade01

    I found one in the korin area, is there only 1 chest per area, or are their more? this took me like 30 mins of flying over areas to find it :<

    Still tho.. will needing key chests even pop up on the map? because that the only way I found this o-O

    please don't hate meh, only trying to be helpful ,_, :evil:

    Edit: I think after the first kill, your chances at decent drops goes down, not to sure

    ok this is it!

    people sell after the dogis value. legendary can be up to 10kk and rare can be 8-9kk. thats usually the prices i see in auction house. helmets or head outfits is around 6-7kk and a jetpack or something similar like wings or halo for 3-5kk

    thanks for the prices..but theres legendary and rare dogis?> o_O

    I wish I knew who was right or wrong about the kk.. X/?(:S;(

    first time trying to buy the thing.. I used the mastercard option thing, after putting in my card info, press ok, it went to a blank screen.. waited 3 mins it did nothing, pressed the view pipiload card tab and it just says Error..

    I look at Missing PiPiLoad Card? tab and it shows 10$ bought like 8 times yesterday and 2 today.. am I gunna be charged that much?

    But I didn't order it that many times.. am I screwed? sad.pngconfused.png

    I'm surprised so many people replied after I searched like a whole day for the popo box in korin and didn't even find it....but secrecy? Surely not. It's just plain selfishness. I stumbled upon them, I know what they are, I only forgot where they are. Why is it hard to REMIND me where they are? I don't blame you, it's your choice if you want to tell me or not. But this whole community is like this. There are some hidden things so everyone's abusing them. Like the candy scouter. Everyone's selling sh*t scouters when someone could just make a simple guide about how to get the candy scouter and not get swindled or buy inutile scouters. Same with the crafting system. No one would tell me where to buy the recipe for lv 30 gear so I had to search like crazy and waste a lot of money on inutile recipes untill I found it. If you wanna keep a secret then don't just share it between you high levels so you can stay at the top and drown yourself in zeni. I wonder if other language communities are this selfish between each other.

    if I knew half the shit everyone does I would be trying to help everywhere.. but... wtf is a candy scouter? XD honestly I haven't even touched the crafting system because, I don't have enough zeni for mass productions to increase my craft level.. how do you up it fast? :<

    AND.. it seems I have some searching to do for them popo chests.. since I don't have much to do until the master class is fixed :P

    hidden chests? are these ones that require a key to open, or you just break them open? o_O how well are they hidden?

    if I knew there was chests I would have explored more ,_,

    about to donate and start banking on dem Dogi's but I need to know whats the average price range for them, like which ones are popular and would sell fast?

    I'm not 100% sure but I guess when people say #kk they mean 10,000's? never heard the term #kk in any game before :/

    of course I mean ill be doing this when the servers are back up.. and the freakin donate page where pipiload window should be would stop saying 404 not found..

    also.. what items are worth getting in the cash shop? dogi's seem purely cosmetic except some have effects or boost your speed, theres also a bunch of pet stuff.. but I don't understand the pet things.. mine seems to never gain exp, is it only from the pot things you buy for them? my pet has a dash ep reduce, tho it seems like it never works, and how to use VP?..

    then theres keys for chests... though I never seen a chest in this game at all yet, the whitestones are very worth getting I think.. right? then popo revive stones seem usefull

    I forgot the rest.. sorry I asked a lot of questions this time. Thoughts everybody? :love:

    Is the game going to delete all character after the beta, when the games finally realeases?
    I wanted to know that when the game fully realeases all accounts are going to be reseted and we need to start from the beggining again?

    should look at the pre-open beta FAQ sticky before posting, but yes everyone gets a reset, and I heard your cash points will be refunded or something :s

    Don't blame us! We completed whole game or at least most of it, while you noobs are stuck at level 30 because " no quests" or because you can't complete master class -.-' How do you think we got to high levels then? Servers are not stable because bugs as Daneos explained, not because we have fun in pvp.

    they should add a duel point + shop system, then maybe I wouldn't blame them <3

    master class doesn't really bother me, ill just be saving points for when its fixed, and I have 9999999 quests still to do, only reason I was sitting around was because all my gear was broken and I needed some of dat zeni to fix it

    Not trying to be impatient or anything, but when are the servers going to become stable? It's been a while since I've been able to freely play the game without servers packed full or just not working.

    Don't blame the servers blame these 9999 pointless dueling high lvl people