Posts by Schoolboyz

    Sorry but what 'wipe' means? Idk what are you talking about big sorry :comcom24:
    Spanish here xD

    Once the game is ready for release, all the data will be erased.

    Same here. This may seem overdue but my friends and I quit playing since, what, 6 months ago? We got so excited for the data wipe that we just stopped playing since everything was going to get wiped, and now I haven't touched DBO since because I got bored of waiting. Every now and then I check the forums to see if the game finally got wiped

    I got a message that said you've been disconnected so like usually I was just going to join a different server. When I tried to join it went to a black screen then just brought me back to my character. I reset my game but it just did it again. By the way, this is the first time that this has happened to me

    I just saw the video about the upcoming dungeons. At first, I told myself I wasn't going to do them until the data wipe when that got me thinking. Does anyone have any idea when the data wipe is coming out? ALSO, just remember, in no way am I complaining. I completely understand that Daneos is a busy person, I was just wondering when the final release might happen.

    I know this post is old but I just wanted to inform you that the glitch has been patched. A friend who also had the glitch (I convinced him not to abuse it) confirmed that the glitch now says "Failure" when tried. Looks like Daneos saw my post :D

    They don't always disappear. Both sets of the ones I have received until now haven't disappeared. I simply deleted them after the quest, though.

    So since he didn't delete them wouldn't that be abusing a glitch? I just feel it's not right for everyone to be working so hard and leveling up and then there's one person that can easily pass everyone without do anything.

    Alright, I've watched him for awhile and I've found out it's not just him, he's just the only one I have evidence for. So I whispered to him. If this isn't enough evidence, then I know theres no way to get rid of cheaters.

    The papers he must be talking about is the secret papers. If I remember correctly, you can only do that quest once, then the papers disappear. Like I said he must of found a way to repeat the process, or it could just be glitch that he's abusing.

    I've been playing dbo for a little and I've noticed one person leveling without doing anything. He's standing in front of the Spiritualist Expert, mostly likely doing the chain quest from the paper, but he probably found a way to do it repeatedly. In one day, he went from level 11 to level 16 just by standing there. I want to provide proof leading to his ban, but when I try upload the pictures, it say file is too big. Any suggestions?