Posts by andik54

    Players usually make estimations from the Auction House. Try find similar gear on the Auction House and then you will be able to make your own judgement on what the price of the item you should sell it for so you aren't ripped off.

    For a 45 turtle for your gear try con crafted amour as that will help you level. This will increase your LP and help you survive.

    Sorry for the newbish question but I see in auction house gears that are smiliars to the sayans one's with alot of Energy def, that's what you mean right?

    Not the one for the spiritualists

    Hey guys,

    so I got some "Rare" and Legendary drops, and I dont know how to evaluate the prices I could sell them for

    How do you guys know the price?

    How can I be sure in the future that I can sell it for the right one so I won't be scammed?

    Also, which equipment should I have for 45 Turtle?

    UD stands for Ultimate Dungeon, It's a place on the map where an evil force such as the Red Pants Army, Red Ribbon army, Naraks, and such have overtaken and claimed for themselves. Your goal is to go inside and fight your way through the dungeon while taking down the various supers, ultras, and bosses. Once you reach the end you'll see the dungeon boss who is in charge and you'll have to defeat them too. Ultra and Boss mobs in UD can drop legendary gear.

    Not too many people are doing TMQ because they don't need to. A lot of players already get their gear from crafting and only need to complete TMQ4 if they want to spam levels (but most people just pay someone to power level them in UD3) or TMQ7 for the legendary gear there.

    At level 42 I'd suggest spamming UD2 if you're with someone who can complete it with you, or just do your quests. they net you fine EXP until level 50 ish,

    Perfect anwser mate, thanks alot!

    Should I do ud easy or hard?

    I was wondering if anyone can explain what a UD is , and why people arent doing TMQ anymore? I just can't seem to find peopel who are looking for tmq team

    also, I'm lv 42 turtle where should I lv up?

    You can reset your skills once a week starting on Sundays. You can still use your kid tree moves and always will be able to. But when you are higher levels it's better to have less in the kid tree (except from some important buffs and or attacks) and more in your adult skills which will be more powerful.

    As usual. Focus on questing and grinding where you need/want to. When you get of the levels, team up with other people to do UD and TMQ runs.

    So it's ok to use my spiritualist skills untill ill be able to use the higher level skills of the turtle?

    So I just finished with my master class and turned into Turtle Hermit

    Now, how do I level up? I see all those guides telling me putting points into the 2nd job skill tree, but then I can't fight

    Any help ? :(

    Why when I click on the builds it refers me to a skill calculator where I can't see any upgrades, it just lets me play with it

    Hey guy.

    Just started playing the game, used to play in the past in the official server

    currently lv 23 spiritualist, if anybody wants to play together talk to me :)

    Nice meeting you all