I think it s will be difficult to found group as dps.
Personally i build my poko as heal just for spam ud3 and i rush it with my turtle
I think it s will be difficult to found group as dps.
Personally i build my poko as heal just for spam ud3 and i rush it with my turtle
if dw have taunt/aggro problems i can understand..really a problem cause it s his job to keep aggro
But i can t uderstand people wants he deal more damage..it s a tank..not a dps
i dont understand you...why tank have to make great damage?.so dende need buff too?
C'est quoi ce charabia?mdr.
Ça frappe si fort que ça le dw en aoe?
pour farmer le mieu c le turtle et de loin^^
c un bug..ca va se mettre a jour quand tu aura fait une deco reco
tu dois acheter les plans au ^crafting master^ pour chaque level de craft et pour chaque race..(ou du moins celle qui t interesse)..ensuite il faut casser des pieces d equipement pour obtenir des compos.pour ca tu va voir l upgrade marchand et tu selectionne la 2eme option ce qui transforme ton curseur en enclume
try to delete all quest then relog and retry this quest..
no you can t