Posts by Porunga

    removed all quests and quest items, however when logging it shows 'quest failed' immediately before doing anything. the item still says that when clicked but has no quest on the list for it to connect to

    i looked in my quest item i had a love letter and royal jelly, ive now removed both items if they conflict with the class quest item, however clicking the drum still produces the quest error and doesnt show it on the quest list. what do you mean by timer?

    Completed the korin adult quest and picked plasma, the Crying Drum item went into the inventory and quest location red 'x' mark appeared in namek start area however no quest appeared in the quest log, went to the majin in the area that the item leads to however no quest complete icon was on the npc. clicked the drum quest icon again however the quest then fails, as shown by the image. I relog and immediately the quest failed appears again
