Posts by Summer

    defence property is property% not defence%, im not have property ,defence property invalid to me of course ,this is immportant balance of pvp .fighter 99% cant win shadow now ,because cant crit and dmg so low and easy die

    Ofc not because it gives you a huge advantage in pvp

    advantage? Everyone can use this is game definition ,property is not invincible.
    And you can explain my picture? defence property to no have property forever 5% .this is the game original definition

    It is a bug it has been here since tw

    Look my picture, it is write in game ,this is game definition, defence property is defence to property ,if im not have property ,defence property invalid to me of course

    714429fa828ba61eecd077144b34970a304e5944.jpgLook this, not have an offence property attack whatever property is -5% no matter how much defence property you have!! because not have an offence property cant get property buff effect

    Why"- Targets defence property no longer ignored when attacker does not have an offence property."??? not have an offence property attack whatever property is -5% no matter how much defence property you have!! It is witter in the game and that is the way it was before TW DBO .this fix is error!! =O