Posts by Son Cedric

    I have 2 bugs.

    1. Launcher

    If i chose "German" as Game language, then i see an Error "Übersetzungsdatei ist beschädigt"
    Translated: "Translation file is damaged / corrupt." (but German works for Launcher)

    2. Game Quest "The secret of the Dragon Mountain"

    The quest is (for me) completely broken. I am not able to complete this quest. its impossible!
    After the fight with the Ox King, no cutscene was triggered and he despawnt, almost all enemy were not spawned,
    the cutscene with Chi-Chi was not triggered and she was also not spawned.
    and yes i closed the game and try it again, but same again... Fight against Ox King, despawn and nothing happens. :cursing:?(

    Here a Video for you Guys:
    I don't get it ?(

    after 7 - 9 trys i finally completed the Quest! (i don't know how) It should nevertheless be checked for bugs!