i'm having the same problem..
"i can't see a lot of friends and if i try to add them again is showing the message " "This player is already your friend."
this is becoming a serious problem.. i can't tp to them
i'm having the same problem..
"i can't see a lot of friends and if i try to add them again is showing the message " "This player is already your friend."
this is becoming a serious problem.. i can't tp to them
yeah... mine too
Saturday and Sunday is the best way..
maybe make it so turtle beach has a use other than just having people sneak in to look at the area
So is possible to go in the locked map.. I didn't know that, but is that "legal"? Can be considered as bug abusing or not?
And more important.. how to access to that area?
Dogis are really easy to get you just need to farm a little.
Can someone tell me in wich part of the game can i farm dogis? UD, BID or just grinding around?
i grind a lot on papaya but i never find a dogi..
Hi, i want to buy 9 CP (for the Memory Popo)
My IGN is Vitty, write me or whisper me your zeni price..
Is it possible to insert in the game a system to lock all the equipment stuff in use (and maybe even accessories)?
i ask this because is the second time that i sell an useful item by mistake (now the boots, some week ago a weapon.. i know, i'm a noob -_-'' )
or as an alternative to disable the right-click switch item.. i hope this can be a useful suggestion
Extra days with dragon balls hunt.. some items gift.. and an update (tmq or ccbd)..
The ncp have just 4 gold titles (May, June, July and August), the one i look for is November (watchdog of kiri).. if is not available in ncp menu where i can buy It?
The ncp is just like this:
how can i obtain "Watchdog of kiri" title? Is not available in the options of ncp