Posts by Waris

    well its a fighting game, ego is what drives these people to keep playing and be the best "lek no 1 evr wuz", just be glad it isn't the cesspool that is the remains of rumble fighter.(if you don't know what that is, you're a lucky one)

    if something so small as a sudden block on multi accounting causes people to leave, they weren't interested in the game in the first place, I'd rather be surrounded by those who enjoy the game then those who don't.

    Everyone wants to be in the circle of people like this game, but here many accounts spoil everything so that no one can take the game seriously and can not have fun, it is not cool feeling like by some, tmq, .. they are facing the busts of multi-accounts, because such races as the potential losers and no one wants to play it, and that it is mmo it is as if one rule, do not know you know what's going on but it is said " holiday trinity ", and here by multi account it is not.

    hmm, well as it seems no one else really has problem with it in general. I won't tell you to get over it since you seem dedicated about this but for now its not a big issue, kinda like when you play a game and randomly just fly off the map due to some sudden lag.

    if it does become one later, feel free to bring out the "I told ya so"s

    It seems to me that this is a big problem, people are easy things get used to quickly, and if later this option will block it suddenly can lose a lot of players. And if at this point it was done then people would learn to put on a normal party and eventually they would start communicating normally rather than just challenging who is better etc ...

    And do you think making multi accounts is fair? I give you one example, let's say we have a pvp ranking and you know you have points to get, so what do you do with a multi account and you will start to fancy points as if nothing ever? This is somewhat a scam, so it should be blocked even at pre-open beta.

    well, unless anything changed will i was gone, this isn't the offical version of the game and everything that guy is doing will be wiped out anyway when it all resets. at that point i am pretty sure this issue won't exist since and security measures would be put in place

    also if that guy is so much of a loner he needs 8 different accounts playing for assistance, just let em be, I never understand why people go to such lengths on a test phase.

    I mean, if people now call themselves that you can do multiple accounts and start to abuse it, it's just wrong, because if it actually blocks it then, then it will be crying in the forum that no one can turn on the x2 dbog, so that the option should be blocked immediately

    How?? because you can't log in that many account at once? It not ruining anything. I have friend I can play with and enjoy the game with. This just seem to be a personally problem for you because you can't or don't want to make new friends

    The idea is that through multi accounts no one takes buffers into the party, and therefore by multi-account the game is meaningless, you can not make a full party and eventually it is a multiplayer game with a singleplayer, New people think there are so many players, so actually someone has some accounts turned on, in my opinion it should be blocked as it was on kr, tw and hk.

    Multi accounting doesn't effect anyone at all. People don't do hard endgame content with randoms anyway

    If you think that you are playing solo and it does not matter to you, but over time you will find that many accounts are destroying the game content in the end is an online game and not an offline.

    I agree with you but that's because I don't do it I don't even have more than one character on my one account I like playing with just one character but im sure that there will be a lot of people to disagree with you because having 2 accounts is a good way to level up new characters and for the people that do it, it also is use to help get dragon balls during the event

    So you say you agree with me? Why do not you ask a friend, for example, to help you sprinkle those balls, in the end as I wrote above, the game is online so we should play together in a group, not alone and to create multiple accounts.

    Did you think that without multiple accounts it would be better? By multi accounts there are always problems finding people to party, for example it is hard to find a buffer because no one is playing them, the are standing before the content but its is obviously a second account, let say stop multi accounts! xD

    The following example with a screen that multi accounts should not be, clogs only server: an1Pe9D.jpg

    Już od kilkulat polskie wersje mmo raczej znikają niż pojawiają się nowe. Lokalizacja mmo to kupa pracy i nie warto się w to bawić dla kilkudziesięciu a nawet kilkuset osób. Ja tam zawsze uważałam, że mmo to świetne miejsce do podciągnięcia się z angielskiego :)

    Jest język Angielski i on wystarcza , nie wiem po co Ci spolszczenie skoro J.Angielski jest bardzo łatwy jeśli się go oczywiście umie :P

    Po co drążycie temat, skoro założyciel tematu już się w ogóle nie odzywa?

    nie ma nie było i nie będzie

    Kiedyś było, ale teraz aktualnie nikt nie robi.

    Siemka posiada ktoś spolszczenie do Dragon Ball Online i mógłby podesłać ? z góry dzięki :P

    Nikt nie będzie posiadał, bo polaków dużo nie gra aktualnie, i wątpię aby komuś chciało się teraz robić do tej gry spolszczenia, zresztą to nie ma sensu, jest po angielsku i to wystarcza.

    Trzymam kciuki za nowy projekt, ale niestety historia pokazuje, że jeśli jedynym wspólnym mianownikiem jest tylko narodowość, to prędzej czy później powstaną wspólne grupy interesu tylko części ludzi z gildii. Będą mieć wspólny cel a po jakimś czasie nastąpi podział. Tak to zawsze u nas jest :)

    Jedyna gildia która nie chce dołączyć to akutalnie WioskaLordów, inne gildie się już połączyły.

    Dokładnie, nie ma sensu rozwalać gildii już istniejących i robić nowej pod Dojo, skoro i tak x% 70-lvlowców ma wszystko +15 przez bugi

    Po dojo, każdy wróci do swoich prawowitych gildii, więc nowa gildia jest robiona tylko pod dojo nic wiecej.

    Szans nigdy nie będziemy mieć z tego względu że polaków z max levelem jest może z 20 osób, reszta dopiero zaczyna i wdrąża się w takową grę, kolejny problem to jest taki że hiszpańce, koreańce itd mają skrypty do apki aby klonować i robić sobie itemsy na + 15, więc nawet jeśli zrobimy taką gildie to i tak nic nie zdziałamy bo będziemy od razu padać, więc żadnej w tym zabawy nie będzie.

    Ps: takie coś mogło by zadziałać gdyby Daneos naprawił bugi, dał zabezpieczenia no i w końcu zrobił wipe.