Posts by Fluffy

    This video game intro solo is WAYY BETTER than all super legion

    ^Man, just watching that REALLY makes me wish there was an actual GOOD immersive Dragon Ball game out there. Dbo is great and all, but it doesn't really capture the high octane fights of Dragon Ball Z or even the original DB. All the other games are too shallow and just bleh for me to even care. Xenoverse took steps in the right direction, but failed pretty damn hard in execution.

    I want a big epic, open world Dragon ball with over 200 hours of content. Not just silly side quests or other bullshit. Make the game FEEL like Dragon Ball, for fucks sakes -.-

    This monstrosity is the most disturbing creature I have seen in my life. I was watching Shin Godzilla just last week, and this thing made me fucking jump. I came to the astonishing realization that everyone else who watched this movie seems to think it is FUNNY somehow -.- Personally, I think normal Godzilla looks funny; not really intimidating at all. But THIS? This thing is straight out of a fucking nightmare! Q.Q


    I get micro freezes constantly and average about 25 fps at minimum settings 800p, but I can still own all of your sorry asses at pvp :P

    This is my computer of choice, btw (yes, the pink one /)^3^(\ )


    Blue = 8-10 kk
    Red = 10-12 kk

    Green = 30-40 kk
    Purple = 45-55 kk

    Black = 200-500 k

    Just saying~

    Fluffy "Lazy town" - Fits your character surprisingly well, at first you find the character cute and 'innocent', but as the song goes on, it gets from kid friendly to harsh words (or however you describe that), which does reflect you/character's more realistic personality, you know, bossy with a bit foul mouth. You get what i mean lol
    (The second post was better than the first, and the music can definitely work with your character, wouldn't mind seeing some animation clips or scenes with the music, one can dream...the gator one was my most favorite.)

    ^In my second post, I decided to take the perspective of what kind of theme music would play if my character appeared in a real Dragon Ball Z movie. Like when they introduce a new character and you hear their theme for the first time, that kinda deal lol.

    Since the prompt:

    What'd be the theme song you'd choose for your DBO avatar?

    Pertained more to your own character instead of yourself. I understand some people like to create characters to personify themselves within games like this, but I always take the opposite route xD

    The prices are insane. I can't believe these idiots are actually buying Red u70 for 25 kk + when just a few days ago you could get them for under 10 kk each. Just goes to show how retarded people are. I personally won't be supporting any of these new prices. Just yesterday, I bought 2 blue stones for 8 kk each, so that tells me there are still reasonable sellers out there. ^ - ^

    Daneos still has to add CC 150, all missing dogis including crafted ones, meaning recipes etc, CC 150 auras with appropriate stats, legendary drops, legendary craft gear, Cell -x dungeon, Kraken dungeon, Kid Budokai, Adult Budokai, and DB Scramble for tier 3 balls.

    He has to fix: basic stats like dodge, hit rate, success, and resist, dogi ball stats (are lower than they should be), the freaking channel change bug, and more.

    ^He said he wants to have the game working properly with all the content TW had before he releases it into Open Beta. OB is meant as a bug testing period, meaning everything else should be perfect. Pre Open is where the game will stay for a LOOONG time unless Daneos starts stepping it up with his updates; things have been slow af recently.