Posts by ZyKrio

    El juego se me abre por defecto en una resoluion muy baja y no me deja presionar el boton para entrar en el juego, y no se donde cambiar la resolución sin iniciar el juego antes..

    to make something clear I do not agree with the wipe but the changes they mention are pretty good!

    To add something to the new server would be a PvP style like Mu online (PK system), that people can kill each other on the open map (Ctrl+F) but with penalties according to the kills you carry .. For example, you kill one and you name comes out yellow, 2 orange and 3 red and you have to pay a lot of money to the guards to let you enter the cities so that the NPC can buy/sell you !! And if you kill a red person you become a hero and you win 1 hero coins that gives you goods gear or something else and if reds kill heroes they give you villain points that give you other gear or something else (other property options) .. It would be like a system of heroes and villains to make the PvP more fun ..

    to make something clear I do not agree with the wipe but the changes they mention are pretty good!

    To add something to the new server would be a PvP style Mu online (PK system), that people can kill each other on the open map but with penalties according to the kills you carry .. For example, you kill one and you name comes out yellow, 2 orange and 3 red and you have to pay a lot of money to the guards to let you enter the cities so that the NPC can sell you !! And if you kill a red person you get a hero and you win 1 hero coins that gives you good clothes and if reds kill heroes they give you villain points that give you clothes but corrupt (other property options) .. It would be like a system of heroes and villains to make the PvP more fun ..

    Yo tengo un tortuga lvl 65 y saco normalmente (con la defensa actual) a los mostros de papaya con el super kame 5100 y con critico varia pero el daño mas alto a sido de 18k y con el kame gigante el critico mas alto a sido de 25k (con el kaioken) Tengo guantes y báculo +8 lvl 65 con 25% de critico los 2.

    Hola a todos! solo tengo una duda porque cuando intento borrar un personaje colocando mi contraseña, me dice que es incorrecta (que obvio no lo esta) y no se borra.. Alguien sabe si es un bug o que??

    Gracias igual!! :thumbup: