Posts by Contractz

    you are right. playing for 2 days i should have known better because when i looked at the npc to see when i can reset my skills.. what lvl it it allows me to reset up to , lvl 30 and bellow it tells me (doesnt state unable to use when lvl 30 if you completed your mastery quest) .. im prompted to check forums because im supposed to know that im not able to reset skills when it clearly states lvl 30 and bellow.

    ive been playing for 2 days... made this forum account just to post this issue.. i dont sit on forums all day reading or looking through stuff because thats what im payed and invested to use my free time on.

    you dont have to be a dick "you should have known better" what a joke

    Just found out ingame that because I completed my master quest I cant do it any more through npc. Would have been nice for a warning some where ingame telling you that you have to reset before master quest. I definitly lost all interested in regards to investing any more money into this game.

    I am a lvl 30 martial artist and when I visit the npc to reset my skills it tells me i will recover my sp and it will cost me 15500 zeni. When I click to reset and confirm it gives me an error in chat "Unknown Error #G" . I purchased cash shop coins earlier and spent on fashion just to feel Im being forced now to purchase more to reset my skills because of an ingame bug. Is there and work around for this that someone has found that will help me reset without having to invest more money into the game right now as I spent what i can at the present moment and unable to dip into emergency funds. X(