Posts by Orimbar

    atm the botting problem which is certain small group of people who have all the stones can control the prices for the stones. Its supply and demand if I have steady income of stones coming in from botting on multiple account every day I can control the prices of the stones because I have the majority of them which is also easier for me to control because of the shit drop rate daneos has for it, WHICH MAKES NO ONE ELSE WANT TO FARM FOR THE STONE THEMSELVES THEREFORE THEY BUY MY STONE AT WHATEVER PRICE I DECIDE BECAUSE THERE SO HARD TO GET AND NO ELSE IS GOING TO FARM FOR THEM. Its common sense, the longer the drop rate stay like this the worst it going to get and if you decide you wanna ban the botter and add game guard anti bot software and shit before the actually fixing the drop rate it will just make the price even worst because you basically cut off the supplier and no else is going to farm for the stones making it less stones in the auction house.

    The U-Stones can "drop" from the Unknown Objects too.

    You go Physic OR Spell. Don't mix it, cause Final Flash and Big Bang will do like 1.2-1.4k damage with your full Phisic Build.
    You don't need 2 stuns. Kidney Shot is all good, cause Stuns/Debuffs might miss/will be resisted.

    Noch ein Paar wichtige Transformationsinfos:

    -- Transformation Stats

    - Super Saiyan Stats:
    LP - not changed
    EP - increased by 200%
    physical offence - increased by 20%
    energy offence - increased by 20%
    physical defence - not changed
    energy defence - not changed
    run speed - increased by 30%
    attack speed - increased by 20%
    hit rate - increased by 15%
    dodge rate - increased by 30%
    block rate - increased by 10%
    curse success rate - not changed
    curse resistance rate - increased by 10%

    - Kaioken Stats:
    LP - not changed
    EP - not changed
    physical offence - increased by 20%
    energy offence - increased by 20%
    physical defence - not changed
    energy defence - not changed
    run speed - increased by 20%
    attack speed - increased by 20%
    hit rate - not changed
    dodge rate - not changed
    block rate - not changed
    curse success rate - not changed
    curse resistance rate - not changed
    physical crit rate - increased by (TransformGrade * 100) (grade 2 = 200%, grade 3 = 300%, ...)
    energy crit rate - increased by (TransformGrade * 100) (grade 2 = 200%, grade 3 = 300%, ...)


    ich habe mir vor einiger Zeit einen Fighter erstellt, der zurzeit Level 41 ist. Ein Kumpel von mir brauchte mit LVL 20 Hilfe in der UD1 und ich wollte ihn natürlich meine überkrassen skills zeigen. Jedoch habe ich gemerkt, dass ich selbst Schwierigkeiten hatte ihn zu helfen. Auch wenn ich queste und gegen mehrere Mobs kämpfen muss, fühle ich mich ziemlich schwach. Ich habe mir vor einigen Tagen einen Spiritualist erstellt und merke jetzt schon, dass dieser Stärker ist. Woran kann es liegen, dass mein Fighter so schwach ist? Habe ich etwas falsches geskillt? Oder werden die quests einfach immer schwerer? ?(

    Moin, Moin!

    Es kommt auf die Verteilung deiner Fähigkeitspunkte und deine Ausrüstung an.
    Entweder gehst du auf Fähigkeiten (Skills) und schaffst dir massig Geschicklichkeit (Dextery) an für eine höhre Ausweich-/Treffer-/Kritischetreffer-Chance, Stärke (Strength) und einwenig Konstitution[Deine Verfassung/erhöht deine Lebenspunkte] (Constitution) an,
    oder du gehst auf Geschwindigkeit (von den Fähigkeiten und Ausrüstung) und machst nur schnelle Schläge, die aber sitzen müssen. Deshalb auch Geschicklichkeit, aber mehr Stärke, damit die Treffer würklich hart sind. Eine Balace zwischen allem finden (Das gilt egal für welche Ausrichtung).

    (Ich würde für eine Geschwindigkeitsausrichtung die Fähigkeit Concentration [Konzentration] und "Max Ablaufszeit (Cooldown)"-Ringe empfählen, da die Auto-Angrifffunktion auch eine Fähigkeit ist die man ein und ausschalten kann. Ohne dieser würde man seine Angriffe zwar schnell durchführen, aber es würde immer einen zu langen Stopp nach jedem Auto-Angriff geben).


    Kritische Ausrichtung|Baum|Build

    Sieh bitte alles als Vorschlag an

    You misunderstand or understand it your way.

    You can see my question to Daenos as a reminder. I don't need to be answered and i don't give any advises to Daneos or anyone. I just bring my point of view. You might just agree or disagree with it.
    All you have written is true, but that's knowledge for kids and whiners, who don't understand such aspects, which we both are not.

    @Cosmo Doesn't matter. Some things have to be done first.

    In short: Cause of new Tester(Player).

    Long version: New Tester(Player) would possible leave the Game, if they can't re-skill. They spend hours to play their first Character and they can't test things they want to, get to know all possibilities of their chosen Class and on the long term you (The Provider of this Game/Server) will lose possible Players who spend real money in cash shop (i don't have no problems by doing that, cause i buy Time with it, which is most important for me to be effective).

    The answer to any and all "when will this be fixed" questions are "he doesn't know or have a time set for it." Obviously he is trying his best to get things done as fast as he can. but there's a difference between fixing one thing and others breaking or fixing things and it being stable with what else is currently working.

    You can set Daneos to a followed user to get notifications when he posts in threads (specifically for most users it is the global update thread) which has by the way been updated to say they are working now :)

    I have not said this to be rude in any way. just that there is and will never be a set date for updates or official release because if there is one and for some reason or another he can't make it or implement it in time (from minor like the code isn't working to a family emergency that he needs to respond to) he will get shit from users, the discord and forums will be flamed. and accusations will fly here there and everywhere. It's much easier to have things ready and put them in for us to enjoy as stable as they can be.

    Thank you for sharing your thouts and the "follow Daenos" advice! o/

    Anyways: i could write a long Text about "Why Daenos should get Reskill-NPC's done, before everything", but i better ask first.

    P.S.: I can write the Text if you are interested.