Posts by Spat

    Quote from MaxJr

    Yes dw was better, but since sk can 100% replace the dw and it was op in pvp too, noone made a dw.

    Nope DW wasnt better. SK could not only replace DW in 100% DW as tank but also had better AoE dmg (Violent Slice and Self Destruction Wave vs DW's Energy Siege). So why I mainly played DW? Just because I could spend less money on armor and farm as long as I wanted thanks to Dragon's Punishment.

    Quote from Spark

    Dark Warrior > Shadow Knight in speed parties

    DW wasnt even better than SK in speed parties (DW was inferior to SK in every aspect). Why? Talking about CC SK could aggro almost all mobs by dashing to center and casting Deception while DW had to dash through whole level to gather mobs (DW's Powerful Roar was some kind of easteregg not provoke) and than deal more AoE dmg than DW (look what I replied to MaxJr). Well now lets go through any BID ex. Kraken. At the entrance you had to defeat 2 groups of mobs. SK done this better than DW for the same reason I mentioned talking about CC. Next you had to kill Kraken. Honestly I didnt saw any difference in tanking Kraken as DW or SK. Oh wait there was tho it happened to me only once but still I got one shoted by Kraken's crit (he dealt 17k dmg LINK to 17k crit).

    Welcome Newrom and spraking about Crane I remember that I won most duels vs cranes as dw so yeah that nerf hit them really hard :/

    Wlasciwie to wiem o 3 Polakach ktorzy dostali konta do alphy. Spokojnie napewno zobaczymy od kogos jakies materialy, moze nawet z kilku roznych punktow widzenia.

    Ultima do 20? Przeciez nawet master klasy nie bedziesz mogl wybrac na tym lvl. Ogolnie kazdego majina dobrze sie expi jak masz kid buu a Dende w pt to zawsze lepiej jak jest niz gdy go nie ma. Co do robienia TMQ w duo to zalezy od lvl. Na niskim nie dacie rady bez full pt a na wysokim to dwie osoby do jednego TMQ to nawet za duzo.

    Napewno zrobie DW o ile dostanie jakies buffy. Jesli nie to pewnie Poko/Karma chyba ze speed pt zostanie znerfione to wtedy zrobie Turtla.

    Yeah 900kk is so cheap. Vegito and Gotenks dogi at some point were around 1kkk on TW S2. Also green skill resets costed around 900kk. Almost everything was ridicously overpriced.

    Jestem prawie pewny, ze tutaj nawet jesli zrobia konto to dlugo nie pograja, bo tam Dumkie bedzie ich chronil i boostowal im konta (w koncu glowny admin Revelations to czlonek Uprise i nie wierze w jego zapewnienia o bezstronnosci). A co do ich zachowania z TW to swego czasu ktos (chyba Nady albo NIC3 ale nie jestem pewny) wrzucil filmik bedacy dowodem na to ze Uprise crashowalo dojo wara (i w dziwnych okolicznosciach ten filmik bardzo szybko zniknal z dbocom). Jesli tutaj znowu cos takiego sie wydarzy to mam nadzieje ze Daneos szybko zrobi z tym porzadek (przynajmniej z nim jest jakis kontakt a nie jak z Game Masterami na TW)

    +1 Totally agree. Thats why I said that SK needs to be nerfed.

    do not touch SK's .. they were perfect.. not too op and not to weak... everyone could kill anyone... only fighter crit was a bit fked up lol--- and i would add more attack dmg to DW and put some more CD on those karmas lol :P :thumbsup:

    SK was the most broken class in DBO. Unkillable in PvP, deals mixed damage and at the same time great tank in PvE. And no it wasnt like any1 could kill any1. DW needs some more dmg to farm and better skills to hold aggro.

    uprise crashowało serwery TW także nie będę wcale zdziwiony jak coś zrobią na tym serwie :)

    Cale Uprise pewnie bedzie sie bawilo w DBO na serwerze Dumkiego takze po co mieliby tutaj sie w cokolwiek wtracac?